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Can any CP recipe be used for cphp?


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I am ready to try my hand at making soap (because I'm JUST about out of my CP soap I got from the swap.. I will never use anything else again!!)

I want to do hp because I don't have the patience, nor the room to store a bunch of soap for months. (I know I should let it cure for a couple of weeks though). My question is can I take a cp recipe and turn it into hp? I've found a basic, grocery store type recipe which would be perfect for my first bout with soapmaking, but it's for CP.

Oh, another question.. are silicone molds ok to use with HP? I have one from WSP that is a

Tray 12 rectangles silicone mold. This would be ok to use wouldn't it?

Thanks for the help!!


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I use the same recipes for HP and CP! I also use a silicone mold from WSP (the log mold) and it works pretty well. I have also tried using a silicone oval mold, but they are individual molds and the soap doesn't seem to harden enough in the mold before I try to take them out (even after a few days). I have no idea how to fix that, but they always end up mangled, so I have stopped using those. I would think a tray mold would work a little better than the individual molds. If you are just looking at it for your own use and to get the hang of HP, I don't think the mold will be an issue. :-)

Good luck and have fun!

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Thanks micayla! Definately for my own use and to get the hang of it. I don't know why I feel the need to take this on right before all 3 of my boys start their football season because I know I'm going to be instantly addicted! LOL I'm all about instant gratification, which is what I get with my B&B stuff. LOL (and why I want to start with HP).

I read somewhere to up the water amount and add sugar.. do you do those?

Thanks again!

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they are individual molds and the soap doesn't seem to harden enough in the mold before I try to take them out

That might be because they don't typically gel in individual molds. Let them stay in the mold until enough water has evaporated that they come out without effort.

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well darnit.. I was using msbrenda.com as a hp bible... and the site is gone! That rocks! haha I made candles instead, couldn't find coconut oil (too far to the walmart)... found lye, but no CO haha Darn, guess that means I'll have to place an order.. might as well try out some new fo's while I'm at it... gotta make the order worth it! lol

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