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weak scent throw

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I need some advice. I pored some candles using ecosoya cb advance.

I used a 4oz tin, 1 1/2 oz japanese cherry blossom fragrance oil and LX-16 wick

Added f/o at 185 F and poured at between 130 and 135 degrees.

Let it sit 24 hrs before burning. It burned with a steady flame and even burn pool after about 2 hrs. But it has no scent throw.

if someone could please tell me where I went wrong I would greatly appreciate it.


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Soy is a very fussy wax, it needs a good cure most of the time (week or so) and some FO's will just never throw and you'll figure that out by testing. That's the main reason I went to making my own soy/paraffin blend a few years back....most FO's will throw great! :cool2:

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if someone could please tell me where I went wrong I would greatly appreciate it.

Tasha, the short answer is you went wrong when you expected CBA to have a decent hot throw. This has been discussed here over and over ever since this wax was released for sale. It works okay with *some* FOs, but not many and not very well. It is a beautiful wax, but its hot throw properties simply suck. You will either have to limit yourself to the few FOS that work okay with it, or switch to a wax that has better HT properties. HTH

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No apologies needed, Tasha. Sorry if I sounded short. Here's a recent link where there was a lot of discussion about CBA...


Do let the candle cure more - I have a few fragrances that need a 2 week cure to develop!! I typically cure all of my soy wax candles 5-7 days before testing. It's VERY hard to wait, so I hide them from myself.

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