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How much to pay if ordering 25 pounds??


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I tracked down the Warm Vanilla Oak that I got in that deal - but it came from French Color & Fragrance who has a 25 pound minimum. They are asking me what my price range is instead of quoting me. So, I'm back to asking the experts - what should my answer be?? I really want this scent - is selling really well for me and I have several orders and not enough of it - I know I could try the one from MillCreek (and probably will first) but if it's not a match... what would be reasonable?? Thank you ahead of time for any advice, I know I've been asking a lot of questions...

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First, I have to say that 25 pounds is a lot of oil. Make sure you have a use for that much within a year or two. Oils usually last much longer but you never know. Having said that, I wouldn't pay more than $10 or $12 a pound for that scent if I had to buy 25 pounds. Its relatively common and I would check other suppliers before I went that route. Others may pay more but I would want a big discount for that minimum.

Edited by deb426
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Its relatively common and I would check other suppliers

That's part of my problem, I've only found it one place - MillCreek - I've ordered a sample to see if it's the same and will definately not buy the 25 lbs if it is. But if it's not... there's the dilemma.

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Many companies will ask what price range you are wanting to pay. Say you want to pay $8/lb, then they will formulate the FO to cost $8/lb. They do not "cut" the fragrance per say, but they will use more of the "base" ingredients. Now if you tell them you want to pay $12/lb then they will formulate your FO at a higher concentration of the "active", more fragrant, compounds. The $12/lb will be a stronger FO than the $8/lb, but they will be similar. So it is all up to you. There are many fragrances that I have found that smell wonderful at a lower concentration and still have an excellent hot and cold throw, but there are also those that have very little scent throw when manufactured at a lower concentration, it's trial and error just like many other aspects of candle making. I would assume that this is what they are doing...?

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Many companies will ask what price range you are wanting to pay. Say you want to pay $8/lb, then they will formulate the FO to cost $8/lb. They do not "cut" the fragrance per say, but they will use more of the "base" ingredients. Now if you tell them you want to pay $12/lb then they will formulate your FO at a higher concentration of the "active", more fragrant, compounds. The $12/lb will be a stronger FO than the $8/lb, but they will be similar. So it is all up to you. There are many fragrances that I have found that smell wonderful at a lower concentration and still have an excellent hot and cold throw, but there are also those that have very little scent throw when manufactured at a lower concentration, it's trial and error just like many other aspects of candle making. I would assume that this is what they are doing...?

Good answer and correct! Just make sure you test a sample of the 25#er before you buy it. That's a lot of FO. Vanillas don't last as long as other FOs. Carole

Edited by bugtussle
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I have bought from French for many years. I don't really think higher price means more potent fragrance oil. It is more relative to more expensive ingredients that go into the different oils. I have purchased fantastic fragrance from French for $6.95 per lb to $16.50 per 25 lbs.... depends on what I needed and how expensive the raw materials become.

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