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non polar fragrances

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Polarity is a chemical term that describes how well a compound dissolves in water. It has to do with electron sharing in bonds. Polar compounds dissolve very well in water, because water is very polar. Nonpolar compounds do not dissolve in water. Hydrocarbon-rich compounds are non-polar.

To make gel candles one needs non-polar fragrances to mix with the gel. Aroma Haven lists whether or not their FOs are gel safe (for most of them). Moonworks lists it too. I am not sure if other place do.

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Polarity is a chemical term that describes how well a compound dissolves in water. It has to do with electron sharing in bonds. Polar compounds dissolve very well in water, because water is very polar. Nonpolar compounds do not dissolve in water. Hydrocarbon-rich compounds are non-polar.

To make gel candles one needs non-polar fragrances to mix with the gel. Aroma Haven lists whether or not their FOs are gel safe (for most of them). Moonworks lists it too. I am not sure if other place do.

I have been making gels for 15 years now, and I highly recommend that you test each bottle of fragrance you purchase for polarity. Several times I received supposed "non polar" fragrances that did not pass the test. Not to say anything bad about non polar fragrance suppliers, as I'm sure their suppliers change things on them from time to time without telling them. Both Aroma Haven and Natures Garden have the testing procedure on their websites.:tiptoe:

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