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Does anyone have any idea when Alabaster will get a new supply of oil? Or does anyone know what is going on with them? I found them a couple of months back when I was researching different fragrance companies, and their prices were really good. They have decent reviews, but I check the site regularly, and they STILL do not have a lot of their oils in stock. I called (a while back) and the person on the phone told me that they had an order in and they should be there soon... Not sure if they got them and sold out, but they still don't have the one's that I wanted to sample. :sad2: I also posted this under the general candle forum, so hopefully I will get some good answers.

Edited by snb7485
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There's been a few discussions about them. If you do a search you'll find some info, but, to answer your question. This has been going on for some time with them. Used to be my main supplier, but, now the only thing I get from them is liquid dyes. I have not tested any other suppliers liquid dyes but everything else I used to get from them has been replaced by others suppliers. They used to have a store here in KY and they closed that one maybe 2 years ago or so. Ever since they have gone downhill. CS at the Alabama location has been downright annoying at times, whether you get attitude or never get any response at all. Never once had an issue with the KY location, but, damn near everytime I had a problem of some sort with the AL location. Whether it was broken jars they said well x amt broken out of x amt isn't bad (and never did anything about it). Now I know things can get broken in transit but when they packed a big box with 300 jars and no packing other than the individual cases you're asking for trouble. I got 300 wrong lids (they never replaced them) got sent wrong FO's (those they did send me the correct ones) and a few bottles of FO I seriously question. These 2 scents I had used very often from them and the last time had purchased 32 oz bottles. These bottles I could do nothing with as they were extremely weak in smell oob and they looked liked a lightly colored water. I had a little bit left of each and compared to the new bottles they sent and when I did that's exactly what it looked like (lightly tinted water). Waste of money. Nothing was ever done about that. Their aroma beads were OOS forever then just disappeared. They were constantly out of so many things, whether it was jars, wax, fo's and so on at the busiest time of year so many people had no choice but to find replacements. I did receive an email from them about a month or so ago stating they were going to have their stock at record levels soon, but, apparently that has not happened yet. HTH. :)

Edited by pleasureridgecandles
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Someone else said that they received that email as well, but your right, obviously that hasn't happened. SMH. Oh well I guess I will just have to try another one. I really wanted to try them, because they have some of the best prices for FO that I found

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Alabaster has a forum, such as it is. Perhaps you would get an answer if you asked there.


You won't find much there if you're looking for answers to what's going on over there. Some have spoken to Todd and told him he needed to come on the board and let people know what's going on, but, he never did. You'd think with it being their forum that they'd see people asking questions and jump in and explain but nothing. Poor CS in my opinion.

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There's been a few discussions about them. If you do a search you'll find some info, but, to answer your question. This has been going on for some time with them. Used to be my main supplier, but, now the only thing I get from them is liquid dyes. I have not tested any other suppliers liquid dyes but everything else I used to get from them has been replaced by others suppliers. They used to have a store here in KY and they closed that one maybe 2 years ago or so. Ever since they have gone downhill. CS at the Alabama location has been downright annoying at times, whether you get attitude or never get any response at all. Never once had an issue with the KY location, but, damn near everytime I had a problem of some sort with the AL location. Whether it was broken jars they said well x amt broken out of x amt isn't bad (and never did anything about it). Now I know things can get broken in transit but when they packed a big box with 300 jars and no packing other than the individual cases you're asking for trouble. I got 300 wrong lids (they never replaced them) got sent wrong FO's (those they did send me the correct ones) and a few bottles of FO I seriously question. These 2 scents I had used very often from them and the last time had purchased 32 oz bottles. These bottles I could do nothing with as they were extremely weak in smell oob and they looked liked a lightly colored water. I had a little bit left of each and compared to the new bottles they sent and when I did that's exactly what it looked like (lightly tinted water). Waste of money. Nothing was ever done about that. Their aroma beads were OOS forever then just disappeared. They were constantly out of so many things, whether it was jars, wax, fo's and so on at the busiest time of year so many people had no choice but to find replacements. I did receive an email from them about a month or so ago stating they were going to have their stock at record levels soon, but, apparently that has not happened yet. HTH. :)

I have had good results with liquid dye from Peak's and Lonestar.

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I will add that even though I live in Florida, capital of UV, I have never needed UV inhibitor with Peak's dyes. The only problem I have is with Sage & Lemongrass FO which discolors from green to yellow, even in a dark cabinet. The dye bottles come very full though, so be careful the first time you stick the eyedropper in there! (how do I know this!)

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I use the UV from Peak's all the time as I do have problems with purples going gray, pinks going funky and red's fading. Hell I even had green go brown.

Wow. Never had any problems with my colors except with that one FO and I don't use any UV inhibitor. I wonder if the waxes I use have some kind of inhibitor in it.

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