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Have you smelled.....?

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Hey guys! Has anyone ever smelled Holiday Frost from Candlewic? I was wondering what your opinion of it is because it is my signature December candle. Lots of people liked it last Christmas. To me it is a unique smell and one that has to be physically sniffed to know if you like it. Here's a link:http://www.candlewic.com/Store/Product.aspx?q=c146,p1185,fScents

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What the heck is a signature December candle? If you like it, why do you need an opinion if it's already your signature scent?

Talking about Christmas in May makes me ill.

I do like it ROF. I only have 12 scents. One for each month of the year. I didn't realize I was offending anyone. Just wanted to know if anyone had smelled this scent and what they thought. That's all.

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I wouldn't worry that you offended anyone, you certainly didn't say anything to do that. I also think it is fine to call your 12 scents "signature" scents. You can call them what you want. I have never smelled the scent you are talking about, but if you customers like it and you like it, it looks like you are set : )

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Yes, you can call them whatever you want to call them, but if you're going to be taken seriously, you'll know that a "signature" scent is static, whereas a "featured" scent is variable. It's a matter of semantics and is very important in retail.

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Yes, you can call them whatever you want to call them, but if you're going to be taken seriously, you'll know that a "signature" scent is static, whereas a "featured" scent is variable. It's a matter of semantics and is very important in retail.

That's why I called them my signature scents because they will never change them unless the suppliers I use stop making them. Anyway just wanted to know if other people had smelled the scent. I do love it and my customers love it. It was just a thought I had and wanted to share it and have you guys share back. No biggie. Thanks y'all! :-)

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