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All Time Frustration Level

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I'm about ready to hit the ceiling!!:mad: I don't know what's the matter with people lately. I've had three potential customers on my website lately that are driving me nuts. All I have to do is tell you about one for you to get the gist of all three.

Last week I got a request for custom colored wedding candles. They wanted to know the process for ordering. So I immediately emailed them back. Know the email went thru because it didn't come back(gmail). Then a couple of days later I hear from them again...why aren't I answering them? Email back...nothing. Just heard from them again...alittle snippy...why aren't I answering them?

All three requests are like this. I know they are legit. I'm assuming that the answers are going into a junk mail file as my emails are coming from service@.... I have it all over my site that people have to put service@... on their safelists to receive emails. I also have my phone number listed. If it were me and I wasn't getting a response, I'd call, or I'd give them a phone number in my email that they could call.

Are people braindead?:confused: Sorry...I'm just so frustrated....:tiptoe:

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I KNOW this isn't your point. LOL But as a customer, (I don't know why) but I HATE using the phone to call. A suggestion (totally take it or leave it. lol), have you tried "forwarding" your response to these 3 people instead of "replying." I've noticed sometimes when I "forward" vs. "reply" my replies get "received" and don't go to spam/junk folders. Just a thought...though I get YOUR point and aggravation too. :)

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I feel your frustration. I'm assuming they have not provided you with a contact number (since you didn't mention any other contact info other than email)? Imo, if they are that worried about it then they should give you a call to follow up. What more can you do if they are not getting your emails and aren't providing any other contact info? Try doing what the previous poster suggested and see if forwarding the email to them will work. If it does they will see that you have in fact tried to contact them with no success. And yes some people are braindead.. lmao.

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pleasureridgecandles, you're right. Neither this person, nor the other 2 gave any kind of contact info other than their email addy.

I did hear back from the one I told you about this morning. They said they checked their inbox before sending today's email. So at least I heard back from one of them that got something from me. I forwarded the original email to them with an explanation. Nothing again.... I'm ready for a drink!!!:laugh2:

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Complex instructions like "add 'service' to your list" go in one keyboard and out the other. Some folks have no idea what that might mean. Here's my thought. If I want to communicate with someone, and technology is blocking that, then I overcome the technology to make the communication. I don't rely on others to overcome it. That means you might want to change your email address and use a forwarder or redirect to dump the incoming into the area you want on your system.

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Complex instructions like "add 'service' to your list" go in one keyboard and out the other. Some folks have no idea what that might mean. Here's my thought. If I want to communicate with someone, and technology is blocking that, then I overcome the technology to make the communication. I don't rely on others to overcome it. That means you might want to change your email address and use a forwarder or redirect to dump the incoming into the area you want on your system.

I'm not sure I totally understand what you're saying, Eric, but I want them to respond to my website email, which is service@....com. When you deal online, that's how it should go. Years ago, I had that email forwarded to my personal email. Even then, if I responded, there were still providers that did not allow my email response to go thru.

I'm not having a problem receiving, they are. These emails are from young people that are getting married. I hear all the time that people 30 down to 5 know a 1000 times more about computers than I do. Maybe these people don't. Knowing that I'm a small online business, they should use the internet. If they aren't getting a response, give me some way to get in touch with you, like a phone number. I've overcome technology many times, but there's no way here. It's like getting a letter in your mailbox requesting a response, with no return address or postmark...:tiptoe:

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A quick update....

I have no idea what happened with all this... I didn't do anything except reply to their emails, but somehow two of the three have placed orders as of today. Somewhere in their email accounts they must have found my messages because we've been emailing back and forth since yesterday and I had to set up custom orders for them; the last of which was placed a couple of minutes ago. I can't help but wonder if the download of IE9 had something to do with it. :confused: I know IE9 isn't compatible with some parts of my webhost(is that the right name for it?). They are having to reconfigure parts of it...it'll take two weeks total, they estimate.

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