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Aussie Aussie Aussie oi oi oi

Richard may I ask what sort of wax you use? And where you get it from

Tried the Parrafin, got the making of them down pat, although sooting was a problem.

Moved onto Feathered Palm from AACM, which is tunneling really badly, that or having blowouts.

So now I am looking at two things to try.

1. Buy a kilo of Ecosoya Pillar Blend from NCS (to see how I do with the Soy)

2. Buying everything from wax to wicks from ACS.

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I use 5 different types of palm as well as 2 different types of soy. Some varieties from Perth and some from Sydney. I do not use soy pillar blend at all as we only make palm pilllars, and both palm and soy jars. As other people have mentioned in various threads, you need to get some 1kg samples of each wax that you are interested in as well as a variety of wicks to test. This will change depending on whether you are making pillars or jars. For example I use CDN's in my soy & palm jars as well as votives. In my pillars I use ACS wicks. Then you also have to take the FO into account as well. For example in my palm jars I use a CDN 8 for Sandalwood and up to a CDN 14 for some other scents, as well as just about everything inbetween. Also for example Sandalwood from one company can wick totally differently to Sandalwood from another company.

Spend on some samples first, decide which way you would like to go, whether it be jars or pillars, decide on your wax, get a couple of FO's to start with and then test test test and then test further until you have a nice burning safe candle. Once you have mastered that, then and only then go ahead and try your next FO.

It is not a cheap hobby my any means, despite what most of us thought when we started. Yes we do sell now, but we had invested the better part of about $5000 before we ever sold our first candle.

Good luck and keep smiling.

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It is not a cheap hobby my any means, Good luck and keep smiling.

No it is not a cheap hobby, and I was mistaken in thinking that getting all of the equipment was the most expensive part, more fool me :embarasse .

My problem is two fold, one I am on a Disability Pension, so I do not have a disposable income.

Secondly I used to live in WA, where I could have gone and picked up my supplies, and gone to some classes, however I now live in Tasmania, no classes and no local suppliers, which means not only do I have to pay for the Wax but also get slugged for it to be shipped.

I am not bleeting oh woe is me, far from it, I am determined to get the "PERFECT" candle.

More power to you for being able to sell your candles :yay: , I am not looking to sell mine, I am a perfectionist which is another problem for me.

Now if you were to say to me 'hey Susan my PC is broken', I could walk in and fix it no sweat. But candles aint PC's lolz

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  • 3 weeks later...
No it is not a cheap hobby, and I was mistaken in thinking that getting all of the equipment was the most expensive part, more fool me :embarasse .

My problem is two fold, one I am on a Disability Pension, so I do not have a disposable income.

Secondly I used to live in WA, where I could have gone and picked up my supplies, and gone to some classes, however I now live in Tasmania, no classes and no local suppliers, which means not only do I have to pay for the Wax but also get slugged for it to be shipped.

I am not bleeting oh woe is me, far from it, I am determined to get the "PERFECT" candle.

More power to you for being able to sell your candles :yay: , I am not looking to sell mine, I am a perfectionist which is another problem for me.

Now if you were to say to me 'hey Susan my PC is broken', I could walk in and fix it no sweat. But candles aint PC's lolz

Welcome, Fiery, this is a great place to talk candles. If you are looking for a perfect candle, but your funds are limited, making candles here in Australia will drain your finances fast. But I think you can see that now. What kind of candle are you looking for?

And I enjoyed your comment of "'hey Susan my PC is broken', I could walk in and fix it no sweat" because not only did I used to help people with their computers, my name is Susan too. Then I heard the siren call of candle-making. Oh the vacations we could have taken with the money I spent on candle supplies!

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