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Does DPG/FO combo dry up as it's burning?


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Wondering if I need to call DH and tell him to turn off the warmer I left on this morning? I just started testing it over the weekend and hadn't considered that it might burn dry!! Was just thinking of wax in an electric warmer that only burns off the smell but leaves the wax. Thought oil would do the same but now I'm having second thoughts!

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Sharon, thanks for the reassurance--I called DH and asked him to turn it off just in case!

I'm really enjoying using this as an oil warmer. I bought bottles and DPG, planning to sell the oils, but the first time I used any I set the bottle down beside the warmer on a piece of good furniture and it left a mark. I should have realized that since FO takes off my nail polish, it could do the same with furniture. So I decided not to take a chance on selling them. I put this warmer in a bathroom with ceramic tile, to keep it safely away from furniture!

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Testing 1/2 DPG with 1/2 Chanel#5 from JS, my favorite.. Poured into my copper warmer from Irvin's Tinware, this warmer has a 40w bulb, stays on 24/7 and is at least 10 years old. Started testing 3-21 6pm. Been checking several times a day and it still looks the same, throwing like crazy too. Will let you know when it drys up or the scent gives out...

Edited by Sharon in KY
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Have any of you ever used coconut oil or grapeseed oil as a carrier for your fragrance oils? I read that somewhere on here a long time ago but have never looked for it and was wondering if it was cheaper / more accessible than DPG?

Coconut oil for you might be cheaper. Grapeseed oil is way expensive. I have used coconut oil and it does work but can't remember. Get a small amount and test your favorite scent1/2 & 1/2, let us know how it does.

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I use DPG quite a bit for my incense and oil burners and have never once smelled anything chemically. That's strange! Are you resenting previously sented sachets (I'm assuming aroma beads?). Maybe something mixed with them? hmmm I'm at a loss on this one!

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The DPG I have doesn't have an odor that I could detect.

Thanks Lorelei and lauramw71, I have had this DPG for a long time. Will have to smell again when I get to working. Haven't smelled anything bad coming from the warmer, so that's good. I re-scent the cardboard cutouts.

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When I was searching for DPG at one point in time, I saw one that said low oder DPG (Medina maybe?). Made me curious if there are some out there that have a more distinctive odor. So far the ones I have ordered don't have a chemical smell. Longest one of my bottles probably sat was 6 months. Will have to remember that in the future though, just to check.

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Thanks Lorelei and lauramw71, I have had this DPG for a long time. Will have to smell again when I get to working. Haven't smelled anything bad coming from the warmer, so that's good. I re-scent the cardboard cutouts.

My warmer with the FO and DPG was still going. Had a nice scent still but not as strong. A layer of oil still in the bottom but not as much as I started with. Only used about 1/4 oz to start and it lasted/scented for 7 days 24/7. I'm testing another scent next with the same 1/4 oz amount.

Smelled my DPG again and it does have an odor kinda like nail polish.

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Ya know, I've never smelled my DPG outta the bottle. I have 1 from NG, and 1 from WSP. I'm going to go sniff em right now....

Ok, I almost freaked out. I forgot I already added Cherry FO to the DPG bottle from WSP and took a big whiff.. WOW That bout knocked my socks off LOL. So, can't tell on that one, but the NG one I dont' smell anything at all. Where did you get it?

Whoa, I think I got a little high from that big whiff I just took! (think I'll go back and do it again, it's been that kinda few days... lost everything due to a virus yesterday :( lol I'm kidding bout the extra whiff... maybe)

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You wouldn't know the supplier unless you been around 9 years. Scent Supply? remember them? Like I said it's really old. Next time I order supplies I think I'll get some new and dump this stuff. Think I'll try rain from the Candlemakers Store, it's a nice scent.

Carol K who is Mandina?

Edited by Sharon in KY
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