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I need re-dipping help!!! :(

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Hello! I newbie here..

So I am trying to re-dip my candle to hide some of the imperfections on my candle but I am having such a hard time!!

The second I pull out the candle from the wax it immediately dries before I even have the whole candle out so I am left with drip marks all over the candle!! :((

I followed the directions the best I could..

Filled the pot with wax enough to cover the whole candle..and dipped it slow into it...

what am I doing wrong??

Please help!

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I've never overdipped a candle, but I have overdipped a bunch of luminares.

I struggled with overdipping until I started using 3% (about 1/2 oz./lb) Microcrystalline wax additive with a high MP paraffin. Dip temperature about 190-195. Make sure the candle is warm (room temperature) as well. Dip fairly quickly, around 5 seconds for the whole process. You'll have to play around a little to find what works for you.

Also, consider using the Microwax for the candle itself. It really helps eliminate surface imperfections on my hurricanes.

Here's what I use.


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