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Long-lasting moisturizing lotion question


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I am a new member of the forum, but have visited many times reading other posts.

I have been experimenting with different lotions, but have been running into the same problem lately. The lotions just don't have a lasting moisturizing effect. Within 10-15 minutes my skin is feeling dry again. I asked a few friends to try as well (because I thought it could just be my overly dry skin), but they experienced the same thing.

I used shea butter, coconut oil, and a small amount of avocado oil- so it should be very moisturizing, but it just wont last long. Does anyone have any tips or pointers? I would really appreciate it.

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lauramw71 is right... avocado is a "dry" oil. If you want something very moisturizing, try something heavier, like olive, or maybe rice bran.

Or maybe tweak your recipe and lower your water % to make a more thicker and indulgent cream instead of a lotion.

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What ratio water/butters/oils are you using?

I use up to 25% Shea in my lotion, and it's very moisturizing. It makes a really thick lotion, though. You can also try adding a little Cocoa Butter, if you have some on hand, which will give your lotions a more protective feel to them.

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That's interesting because the research I have done actually says avocado is good for dry, sensitive skin. It has a lot of fatty acids which actually moisturize. I used 45% oil/butters-20% shea, 20% coconut oil, and 5% avocado oil. I didn't use very much water either (45%), with the hopes that it would make it more moisturizing with out the water.

I guess I'll just have to keep playing with the proportions. I was hoping someone might have once been in a similar situation and found a solution. Thank you all for your comments!

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Include some humectants like glycerin, sodium lactate, honeyquat, etc. They will continue to draw moisture into the skin. I often use 5% humectants (combo of glycerin and SL or honeyquat) and those lotions leave my skin the softest. And try some greasier oils like rice bran or sesame. Avocado oil is nourishing to skin but dry in feel. And cetyl alcohol seems to make my lotions feel softer longer. HTH!

Also throw in some barrier ingredients like dimethicone. It will add glide and hold moisture in; I never make lotion (or almost anything) without it. Allantoin and panthenol also have some barrier and humectant qualities as well.

Edited by mychellec
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