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palm wax tarts

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Hello everyone,

I've searched but have not specifics for this, but maybe some can help. Does anyone make palm break-away tarts? The kind that come in those plastic cases of 6.

I've only been working with GG and I've had people ask me about them. I'm assuming I would need a palm pillar wax for these or will GG work. Any experience with palm in these break-away containers would be much appreciated.



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I've made them, but with Feather Palm. GG Palm would not come out of clamshell, it has no shrinkage. You have to be very careful with your pour temperature. Pour too hot, the clamshell deforms. Pour too cold and you do not get the good patterning. Also, there are some clamshells that are just too thin to take the pour temperature, even when pouring cooler. I just go with the soy blend I came up with, it is easier than worrying about the narrow pouring temperature window. And the soy blend holds more FO, if a higher percentage is needed for the lighter FO's.

Also, because of the high melt temperature of the feather, they do not melt in the nightlite warmers and do not melt well in the other lightbulb warmers. They work great in the 2-in-1 warmers (hot plate type).






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