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31 oz libbey container

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hey guys i am trying a new conatiner. its a 31 oz libbey storage container. i have added 1.25 oz per lb of 4627 and have wicked with one zinc 62-52-18 and didnt get a full melt pool after 3 hours so i yanked the wick and used one htp 1212 with the same results. so i yanked as i did before and started scratching my head. this is only the second container i have tried as i am still very new to making candles but am very eager to learn lol. i have been reading and reading and have seen where some people have used two wicks in this container so i tried that with two zinc 51's and have gotten a full melt pool after about thirty minutes. it has been burning for roughly 4 hours now and has a nice full melt pool approx 1/2 inch deep. the hot throw is one of my questions and i know you will say it could be the fo so i poured a different fo to test after this one. what i am wanting to know is i can smell the scent which is berry bramble from lonestar but it doesnt seem very strong like other scents like mango as well as my favorite clean cotton. so could it possibly be that i need to wick up to two zinc 60's? what is throwing me off is when you see this exact same container somewhere like yankee or from the store they only come with one wick and they achieve full melt pools. i dont want to over wick my conatiner and make something unsafe so how will i know if two zinc 60's are two much? i think i will test a mullberry scent with two of the 51's to see if that ht is better because it is one of my more overpowering fo's in my smaller classic jar conatiners. please lend me some guidence as well as wish me luck lol thanks guys for all your help.

Edited by heavenly scents
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here is the jar i am using


i used two zinc 51 in my other tester which is mullberry and it has a very nice ht im thinking that the berry bramble may just be one of those scents that arent really over powering or might need a lil more fo. it smells great i just wished it was stronger if that makes sense

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You must be trying torture test #327 cause those jars are a huge pull your hair out wicking nightmare. Now that I've said that. With soy I use 2 CD 6 but the lip is the problem, not being a strait sided jar (with the curve in the neck) the heat stays inside and makes the jar hot. I've been getting a good burn with the 4627 strait no soy in a hex jar mind you (I am not brave enough to test my nerves on that jar yet). with LX 22 and a CD7. I'm still testing and leaning towards the CD's. If I were you I would start with (if you want to single wick) an LX 28 or LX 30 they have to be trimmed short. This is my "new" at this wax experience only. I do not know anything about Zinc wics. DBL wicking um maybe 2 CD 5 for a starting point. I do a v wick in a 4" cylinder straight sided jar where the tabs touch at the bottom but fan out to about 1 1/4" apart at the top. So when it burns down the flame goes in toward each other, hopefully for a cooler jar to the touch. Because I am also challenged with the curl, I burn the tip of the wick and see which way it's going to curl so I can make the curls point in at each other when I place my wick. HTH and I haven't totally blown your mind.:laugh2:Maybe someone with more knowledge will chime in here.

Edited by soy327
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that is alot to take in SOY!! lol i have been testing several of these this week and have found that using the two 51's the jar isnt to hot and doesnt get smoked out either. i also tried some wood wicks and it seems that the xl works good exept i have noticed when testing wood wicks that they smoke like the dickens untill they get a little meltpool around them then they burn just fine and crackle like they are supposed to. is this normal with wood wicks?

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that is alot to take in SOY!! lol i have been testing several of these this week and have found that using the two 51's the jar isnt to hot and doesnt get smoked out either. i also tried some wood wicks and it seems that the xl works good exept i have noticed when testing wood wicks that they smoke like the dickens untill they get a little meltpool around them then they burn just fine and crackle like they are supposed to. is this normal with wood wicks?

:laugh2::laugh2:Yep I was on a roll that night, sorry. I'm in my own 4627/soy blend hell. If the zinc wicks are working for you stay with it. It's your jar, wick, wax combo and if it's working, go for it. I wish you luck and keep us posted.

I also did test a wood wick this weekend in the parasoy blend I'm trying to get right. It burned great, the flame does get a little bigger of course, but I was just playing. I have been with the understanding that the paraffin makes those WW crackle better, I didn't get that result. I don't use them much just to play with.

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lol soy i have only been making candles for a few months now and have seen what trying to learn something new is like! i first started out with 4633 and really didnt like it. it seemed that the fo when put in it smelled rather fuely. i swapped to the 4627 and i love it!!!! its a little messy to work with as far as cutting it up and getting it ready for the presto pot. i have decided since this wax seems to have everything i love im trying my best to stick with it and get it tested in all kinds of containers. the 31 oz seems to like the dual 51's and also the ww it makes a really good crackling sound. i have also been testing the 16oz classic jar and it is making my head spin. i have tried zinc 51's,60's,and 62's and none seem hot enough so i have ordered more sampler kits in to test further. i do however have a sample kit of wood wicks and i tried it as well and my findings with it are that the large wick is not enough and will not get a full melt pool in 1 1/2 hours so i yanked it let the candle reharden and tried the xl wick and it is way to hot!! it looks like a bonfire and smokes something terrible. so i have been doing my fair share of hair pulling these last few days myself lol. im thinking i will try cutting one of the xl wood wicks down a little bit as far as width to something in between xl and L and see what that does. as far as wicking this jar all i know to do is order different things and try them. i did however find this page and thought it may have been of some use here. im going to take the advice on my 16oz classic jar and try an lx21 and see what happens.


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it has12 sides i have taken your advice an ordered a sample pack of lx wicks berts didnt have the 21 so i ordered a 22 hopefully i will have some succes with it. thank you for all your help soy it is nice to know that others enjoy this as much as i do... i just love when it smells good around the house

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Hello, I am new to craftserver, but have been making soy candles for a couple of years now. I have been using the libbey vibe jars, however, I like the look of the interlude jars and want to be able to put a wooden lid on them. I have found wood lids that fit the apothecary jars (but i don't like the apothecary jars), but can't find any wood lids that will fit the libbey interlude. Does anyone know where i can find wood lids for my libbey interlude? Also, can anyone tell me why my soy wax turns tanish when using a wood wick?

Thank you




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