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Everything smells like Honeysuckle!


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Thank goodness it's a honeysuckle I like! I just received care packages from my MIL (in the U.S.) which included my Peaks order of Honeysuckle and a few other FOs. At some point between leaving Tennessee, and arriving here in Perth, Australia, the cap on the Honeysuckle FO cracked. Yup... FO EVERYWHERE. Maybe 1/4 of the 16 oz leaked out, and through the zip-lock bag it was in, and even melted some of the Polly Pocket toys my MIL had packed for my daughter. When the delivery guy brought the boxes over this morning, he was in a cloud of fragrance! And he probably will be all day, lol.

But I'm loving these FOs! It's my first order with Peak and they did not disappoint.

What I got:

Honeysuckle (nice, sweet, natural smelling... like the real deal)

Asian Sandalwood (nice and full)

Tall Grass (fresh, but more sweet than I hoped for)


Genuine Leather

Gardenia (which seemed weak compared to the overpowering honeysuckle)

Plumera (smells fabulous)

Cannot wait to pour some!

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Sorry to hear about the poly pockets. :(

My order from Peak's arrives tomorrow and I can't wait. After two years, I'm starting up my candle "hobby" (addiction) again. :yay:

I ordered:

Passion Fruit & Guava

Beach Daisies

Lemon Pound Cake

White Tea & Ginger

Country Berry Pancakes and

Twilight Woods

The other scents I ordered, I've poured in the past and know that I will love.

I was tempted to get Tall Grass but waited on it. hmm....I really don't want a tall grass to be sweet. I'm wondering how it will smell once you pour it. I'd love to know. :)

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