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Which one (415 or 464) added to 4794 for tarts?


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Hi all,

I currently use 4794 for making tarts but want to try adding soy based on many posts where others blend. In your opinion, would you recommend adding GB 415 or 464? I have read good reviews on both waxes. I was thinking about starting with a 75% 4794 25% soy (415 or 464) ratio but was looking for some input on which one may work best. Also, I use silicone molds for tarts.


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Thanks everyone for the input! I ordered some 415 so I hope that creates an even better tart that the 4794 straight. I also made a few batches with some 4630 added to the 4794 this past weekend but havent tested those yet. They are curing right now.

nmhoneybear, yes please... let us know how it goes for you as well.


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Pretty sure you'll be pleased with the 4630 and 4794 combo. :smiley2:

Megan I'm fixing to mix a batch of my container wax 4630 with the 415 also and will let you know how it goes. Good luck with yours!

Hi Ravens! Just got back from the doctor and got a SUPER shot to clear up this flu! I need to get back to my candles!! I just sent you a PM. Thanks for everything! Not only are your candles the best I have tried but your friendship is cherished. You help others never expecting anything in return. That's why God has Blessed you with a great product. We reap what we sow!

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Thank you, Mary, so sweet of you - but you're no different. I read your message, but there was no message ,lol

I'm glad you're feeling better, there is a lot of this crud going around.

Now perhaps you can go back to your tarts and candles, I hope.

Check your messages; I just sent you one :cheesy2:

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Oh, and Mary, let me tell you. One of my candles turned out beautifully. So I tried the same "recipe" but used a different FO.... could pull all my hair out:angry2: It does not throw at all like the first one! Like Stella (I think) says, each candle is a system; well, my system broke just because I used a different oil.:angry2: and double :sad2:

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Oh, and Mary, let me tell you. One of my candles turned out beautifully. So I tried the same "recipe" but used a different FO.... could pull all my hair out:angry2: It does not throw at all like the first one! Like Stella (I think) says, each candle is a system; well, my system broke just because I used a different oil.:angry2: and double :sad2:

What scent did you use the second time? I have found that scents like Creme Brulee, Bird of Paradise, (the most popular in this area) works great with the 51w wick. But things like Clean Cotton, and softer scents I have tried the 44W wick and waiting to see how that works after they cure. Don't give up! I'll resend the message from yesterday.

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  • 3 weeks later...

nmhoneybear, how did your testing with the 4794/415 combo turn out? I have been using a very similar blend (about 52/48% blend) and so far I am very happy with the cold throw, hot throw and the release of the tarts from the molds. I like this combo better than the 4794/4630 blend.

Mary, did you try the one of these two or a similar blend as well? How did it turn out for you?



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nmhoneybear, how did your testing with the 4794/415 combo turn out? I have been using a very similar blend (about 52/48% blend) and so far I am very happy with the cold throw, hot throw and the release of the tarts from the molds. I like this combo better than the 4794/4630 blend.

Mary, did you try the one of these two or a similar blend as well? How did it turn out for you?



LOL I haven't tested a bunch of these. I forgot. :rolleyes2 I have only tested a couple, but thanks for the reminder.:)

Just put a Moonlight Path (Peak) in the warmer and waiting for it to do its thing. One I tested was a Sage & Citrus from Candle Source. It threw pretty well and for a few days. Can't remember the other one, but it was good, too. I've been thinking about upping my percentage on the 4794, though, because I want the wax to be a little harder. I haven't ever tried the blend with 4630, but just got some 464 in to play with.

What scents have you had good results with? (If you don't mind me asking...)


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nmhoneybear, how did your testing with the 4794/415 combo turn out? I have been using a very similar blend (about 52/48% blend) and so far I am very happy with the cold throw, hot throw and the release of the tarts from the molds. I like this combo better than the 4794/4630 blend.

Mary, did you try the one of these two or a similar blend as well? How did it turn out for you?



Dessa, I tried the 4630 and 415 for my containers and they worked pretty good. I really did not notice any difference in the ht with the 415. But it did adhear to the glass better. I think they need to cure longer. I have noticed the longer the cure time the better the throw. I also tried adding the 415 to my 4794 and did not notice an increase in the ht on that one either. I added more 415 this time (50/50) and waiting for them to cure. Will let you know the results. I also increased my temp to 185.

Edited by mary0050
wrong candle wax
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What scents have you had good results with? (If you don't mind me asking...)

These are all tarts and some of my favorites that throw awesome:

Mulled Cider - ALB

Dickens Christmas - ALB

Chocolate orange truffle - BW (OMG, so delish!!! wanted to drink the FO)

Banana nut bread (CS or PK)

Gingerbread - CS

Cinnamon Buns - JS

Oatmeal Cookie w/icing - JS

Zucchini Bread KY

Sugar Corn Pudding KY

Country Gift Shop KY

Hillbilly Homebrew NG (to me this smells just like B&BW Leaves)

Spruce Christmas Tree - PK

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These are all tarts and some of my favorites that throw awesome:

Mulled Cider - ALB

Dickens Christmas - ALB

Chocolate orange truffle - BW (OMG, so delish!!! wanted to drink the FO)

Banana nut bread (CS or PK)

Gingerbread - CS

Cinnamon Buns - JS

Oatmeal Cookie w/icing - JS

Zucchini Bread KY

Sugar Corn Pudding KY

Country Gift Shop KY

Hillbilly Homebrew NG (to me this smells just like B&BW Leaves)

Spruce Christmas Tree - PK

Thanks, Dessa! I have a lot of those FOs. Don't you just LOVE KY's Zucchini Bread and Sugar Corn Pudding?! They are awesome! I am going to have to try them in that wax blend. The Chocolate Orange Truffle...I had a sample of that one and put it into votives. YUM! And I haven't yet ordered from Alabaster, but I hear that their Mulled Cider is a dupe of GC's. Is it? There are lots of GC scents that I love...then again, I am a FOHO. lol

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I love love love the KY Zucchini bread & Sugar Corn Pudding, those are both so yummy! But there arent too many baked scents that I have met that I didnt like LOL...

I am a big fan of Gold Canyon scents. I used to be a GC demonstrator, so I still have the little sample pots of all their scents which I use for comparing some of my favorites (plus I still have plenty leftovers of their candles too). I would say that the Mulled Cider from Alabaster is definitely a dup and it is very strong! The Gingerbread & Spice from MMS is a dup of Gold Canyon's Gingerbread House which I love (very different from all the other Gingerbread scents) but I didnt get a good hot throw from the 4794 straight. I will try it with the 4794/415 combo to see if that throws better. Alabasters Dickens Christmas smells very similar to GC's Cozy Christmas and/or Christmas Presence but I can not put my finger on which one exactly. When I smell the GC Cozy Christmas I think it smells just like that, but when I pick up the GC Christmas Presence sample, I think it smells just like that too, so go figure.... The Cranberry Orange Spice from JS is very close to GC's Cranberry Orange. Now I am on a quest to match the GC Cinnamon Garland which I love for the holidays. I am working with blending Bayberry & Cinnamon scents but so far I havent quite gotten the perfect blend (but close).


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