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Possible wick problem?

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Ok, so I'm new to candle making as well as this forum. I've already spent many hours reading here and have found much help. Not having much luck with what I've done yet with my candles, I've finally decided to ask for possible solutions.

I'm using wax, wicks, scents, and dyes all purchased from C.S.

I've been making votives using 75% Eco PB, 25% CB 135. LX 14 wicks (as per C.S.'s recommendation) . 6% FO and C.S.'s dye chips. I've been heating the wax(s) to about 185 when I remove from the heat, then add the FO and dye. I stir for about 2 minutes (again as per C.S.) then wait until the temp drops to 140. I gently stir again and pour into the steel votive molds set on wax paper with a cookie sheet underneath. I place a box over the votives until they cool, then remove the wick pin and insert the wick.

I've tried four different FO's, with 2 of them, that I know of, being on the "FO for soy" sticky. The CT is great on all four candles but HT is virtually non existent but for one and it's very subtle. I've tried even a 50/50 of PB and the 135 hoping it would give better HT, but have had similar results.

I've tried to read up on wicks, finding several using CD wicks with success. I understand that the variables with candles are many, but have any of you had experience with votives and LX wicks? I've ordered some CD-6's and CD-7's from Lone Star. Do you think this is a wick problem?

I've read a lot of people use PB with great results. I've not read of anyone blending it with 135, but I'm thinking the wax isn't the problem here.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks:smiley2:


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On Wick It's site, where they talk about testing wicks with a certain candle formula, they say "The candle should cool overnight before lighting it. This allows for it to completely cool into its solid state."

Have you found this is not enough for proper testing?

Also, my wife just tried some of my wax "scraps" from my last set of candles in her little oil burner (small dish-type thing with a tealight candle underneath to warm it) and the scent throw is awesome! I'm led to believe that it is a wick issue.

I also have read a bunch more on Wick It's site as well as Wicks Unlimited. My wicks have been mushrooming which I now know is a sign of too big of a wick. I'm pretty excited to be getting answers and confirmation from this forum as well as the above mentioned sites.:yay:

I'll try to take pics tomorrow to put up as well.

Thanks again for the help!


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I think soy need to cure for a few days depending on the FO you are using. It certainly appears as though you have done your homework though and I'm sure you will find the right wick soon. Looking forword to seeing pics.:yay:

When you put it in a melter that will perform different than when wicking.

Edited by soy327
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We have been using 100% pb and 6% frag load - all from candlescience as well without any trouble. Plus using the lx 14 wicks. BUT - we do let ours set for 2 days to weeks depending on what's going on - and believe it or not curing time has been noticable for us. PLUS - NEVER EVER EVER EVER FORGET THAT YOU MAY HAVE CANDLE NOSE! It gets us all sometimes!


Also - when checking fragrance throw on a burning candle are you putting in a small enclosed area? We use our bathroom and close the door. So many times - especially with a small 1.5 - 2" diameter melt pool your not going to get an over whelming aroma in a large space unless it's a very loud fragrance - like Twigs & Berries from CS - or their Mistletoe or Very Vanilla will run you away from it. Your on track - let a few sit for a couple days and try them. Just out of curiosity - what fragrances are you using?

hth -


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jnkthailand, I've been using the following FO's from CS:


Honeysuckle Jasmine


Sunwashed Linen

Also, I ordered three more sizes of cd wicks from Lonestar (cd-5, 6, and 7) as well as some of their FO's in the 4oz bottles as opposed to the 1oz from CS.

I'm hoping I'll be able to do more testing this time with more wick options and more FO.

Thanks again everyone :smiley2:


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