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Baby Boy Candle Basket Scent Help


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what about doing baby magic , I have a cousin that loved the smell but her and her son were alergic so I made her a candle set so the babys room would smell like ot with out actually using it.

the other ones that come to mind are

baby graces

aloe vera

baby bee buttermilk

baby shampoo

heres a link on FO finder that might help


Edited by bearmnt
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For what to actually put in the basket you can do a wax dipped critter. Either a bear, rabbit or lamb would be great and take up a lot of space in the basket. I just make sure to wrap it in cello or shrinkwrap to keep the scent from migrating. Other things I have done are a bag of carpet freshener that they can sprinkle in the bottom of the diaper pail to keep it a little fresher, room spray then filled in with a couple of baby toys, bibs, baby board books or pack of diapers depending on the $$ limit you are looking for. I typically only do the baskets for family members as shower gifts so I get a little out of control since my "baby" is 21 and I miss snuggling little ones. :laugh2:

You have gotten some good suggestions for scents so the only other one I am going to add it BC Violet & Birch Closeout. It was my best seller for dipped critters, most stating they would be going to grandchildren that were on the way. Nice and strong to combat the stinky diapers but not the typical baby scent.

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Wow, thankyou all so much. Them are all awesome ideas that I will check out for sure. I've ordered from NG for quite a while and didn't even know about a childhood section. I know I have the Baby Bee Buttermilk scent now that some one reminded me of that one, and I love the dipped critter idea, would of never thought of that one. Thankyou all so much for the help. It is so appreciated.

God Bless!

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I'm doing a wax dipped bear as well. The mom is a friend of mine so I'm also doing her a basket since most people only buy for the baby. I know as a mom myself I would have loved to have a pampering basket for myself. I'm doing body butter, candles, bubble bath etc. I mean what woman doesn't like to be pampered and especially a new mom. She's gonna flip when she gets all the stuff I'm getting and doing for her. I'm getting some baby stuff, doing the dipped bear, her pamper basket and a diaper cake. She's a first time momma so I have to go all out for her. I decided to do the dipped bear in the Johnsons Bedtime Bath. I already had that scent and some people recommend Lavender, but, she's not a floral person and the Bedtime Bath has a hint of lavender so I think she'll be happy with it.

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