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ISO Lotion Recipes

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This is a recipe that I got off the board a while back. I did not write

down who posted it originally, They called it Autumn Delight

and used for the FO 10 drops Woodland FO and 5 each of Orange & Tangerine FO

I made this over the weekend, and it was so easy!

I made one batch with

Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin

and one with Lavendar Vanilla

I made this over the weekend, and it was so easy!

1/2 c distilled water

1/4 tsp borax

1/3 cup mineral oil

2 tsp cocoa butter

1 T grated beeswax

15-20 drops FO

Boil water in a saucepan and add borax, stirring until completely dissolved. Keep mixture on lowest heat. Over low heat in another saucepan heat mineral oil, beeswax and cocoa butter until butter and wax are melted. Pour oil mixture into a bowl. Very slowly drizzle water mixture into the oil mixture

stirring constantly with a wire whisk. Continue stirring until cream is room temperature ( 10-20 minutes) Stir in fragrance oils.


Hey! any of you B&B Diva's care to answer this question. since this is the original recipe that was posted before and it did not list anything else as an additive, Does this need a preservative added to it since there is distilled water in the recipe ? :rolleyes:

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