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A Couple of Questions


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When shipping orders, do you always give freebies? Or is it a certain dollar limit spent that you use as a guide? What do you give? How big of a candle, soap, etc.?

I do it, but 9 times out of 10 what I include bumps up the shipping, sometimes significantly, depending on where I'm shipping to:(. I'm trying to re evaluate this policy, so I thought I would ask what you do. TIA. :tiptoe:

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If it bumps up the shipping, I wont include something. Generally for small orders I include a 1oz slice of soap. For a larger order, I might include a free lip balm- but it has to be over a certain dollar amount to make that worth it. When I started offering beeswax I sent out a few beeswax tealights or votives to certain customers I knew would enjoy it.. I really do all of it on a case by case basis, but everyone gets the 1oz slice of soap :)

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Well, right now, if someone orders candles, I send a small soap from a thank you mold I have to hopefully, entice them to buy some next order. If they order soap, I add a votive or floater, or two, to entice them to buy candles next order. Does that seem to be enough? If it's a large order, I usually add a coupon, good for their next order. Somehow I'm thinking that it's all pretty mundane. I mean...it seems everyone does it.

At Christmas time, I buy generic Christmas cards that have a Christmas music CD inside that I include with the order. Customers LOVE it. They remember and come back. But you can't send Christmas music all year....:(.

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