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444 Soy Wick and general help plz

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I am attempting to get into making soy jar candles. I have 3 problems.

1 Can anyone advice me on the tyoe of wick to use that will limit the shrooming under 6-9% fo loads ans still have nice throw?

2 and 2 no matter how hard I try I cant get the top of the candle to be smooth and nice :)

3 How long after the candle has cooled should I "cure" it so the scent is nice?

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couple questions -

what temp are you pouring at?

what jars are you using?

What wicks have you tried?

I use 444, heat to 200, drop it to 175, add FO, add dye, stir and pour. I do not heat the jars. I find that I get nice smooth tops unless I try a jar that has a narrower neck. Then I end up with sink holes near the wick or at the edge of the jar. I now do 2 pours with those jars. You need a pretty thick 2nd pour.

I don't have a specific cure time, but I let them sit for a week or so. I don't find it to be an issue with this wax.

I don't know if you're using a heat gun, I tried it early on and it just made it worse for me.

I like this wax better than any I have tried so far. Very little frosting, good hot and cold throw, smooth tops. I use different wicks. LX, ECO and CD. I can wick an apoth jar with an eco 16 for most FO, which I really like. However, I only use 1oz PP, so......

I do get a little shrooming, but I keep my wicks trimmed and it's not so much as to be totally objectionable.

Edited by nursenancy
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