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Peppermint EO & Tea Tree in Foot Lotion Bar


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Hi all,

I made a foot lotion bar with 1 teaspoon of Peppermint EO in 12 oz of lotion. The bar is wonderful, but cannot feel the cooling sensation on my feet I had hoped for........(I don't have neuropothy either)

Can anyone tell me, for the feet, is it safe to go up to 2 tsp for a 12 oz recipe??

Looked all over the site here and can't find an answer as to how much EO for a soothing, cooling Foot Lotion Bar.

Can anyone tell me how much they use? I just love that cooling sensation after a hard day on my feet!


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If it is just for you, I'd say it is safe to use as much as your skin can tolerate. Add slightly more to each batch til you find the effect you want.

But if you sell, then you will want to find out the recommended levels.

Perhaps a bit of an exfoliation routine before hand would bring fresh and more 'sensitive' skin to the surface and be more noticeable to you.

Personally, I would use the higher numbers and just be sure to label it as potentially irritating. I prefer my soaps and products with oomph too. :shocked2:

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