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Lost my pour pot because of corrosion :(

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We went on vacation last week and while we were gone, I left my aluminum pour pot sitting in a stock pot with water in it.

When I tried to use the pour pot today I saw it had some corrosion on it, so much so that holes had formed in the pot :(

I've left my pour pot sitting in water for extended lengths of time before without any problems so this was a surprise for me. I talked to hubby about it and this is what he thinks happened... since the stock pot looks to be made from nickel-plated steel (cheap steel on the interior) a reaction occured between the two dissimilar metals, causing the corrosion.

I don't know how correct that is, but hopefully it will keep someone from losing their pour pot in the future.

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Normally I use a stainless steel stock pot but I had switched these out recently.

Thank goodness I have a big stash of old glass coffee carafes but I prefer the volume of the aluminum pot.

Edited by jonsie
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