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How to Making Tapers: Mold or Dip?

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My boyfriend likes to burn taper candles to cut down on the electric bill (we are saving to get married and get land/home). For Christmas, I would like to make him a bunch of taper candles. In the past I have made gel candles in jars and such. I've never done anything with wax.

So, before I head to Hobby Lobby or online to buy a bunch of stuff I may (or may not) need, I was hoping to get some advise...

1. Dip or Mold? I've seen where you buy a big aluminum seamless tube for dipping and I've seen the polyurethane molds and the antique molds with 4/6/8 holders. What works best?

2. a. If dipping works best, is it difficult to make the wick straight? I've seen a lot of wicks for sale that are wound on a spool. I don't want to make crooked candles.

2. b. If molds are the best, how do you get it out of the mold? Do you have to coat it with something so it won't stick in there?

3. What would be the best product to use for the candle? Wax, parafin, soy, etc?

4. Are there anything else that I would need to have other than the candle component (wax, etc.), the wicks, and the mold/dipping container?

5. Any other tips for a first timer?

Thank you very much!!!:yay:

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Oh, one more thought... I've noticed that the wax at Hobby Lobby is EXPENSIVE!!! It's almost more than what I could just buy tapers for. Are there places online that offer good deals.

Also, I'm not a one time crafter. Once I learn how to do something, I stick with it. So don't worry about the initial cost I may need to invest to purchase tools for making the candles.

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This is a list of suppliers by state. Wax is definately cheaper from a reputable online source. The shipping is what hurts, LOL. Best thing to do is find a supplier close to you to get decent shipping rates. As far as making tapers, I always dipped my own. There is a vast array of equipment to do this. Taper dipping rings hold the wicking (spooled type) straight and taut to make perfect tapers. You also need a dipping vat, etc. Best thing to do is use the search feature on this board and start researching. Tapers are easy to produce, but you have to do some testing to find the right wick/wax combination that works for you. It can be a pain to get the testing started, but it is quite fun.



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Beeswax is about the best for tapers! I tired dipping tapers when I first started years ago and hated it.......took too long, too messy, inconsistent looking tapers. I switched to a metal taper mold and actually didn't like that either......harder to wick and it seemed every other taper would stick even after spraying with a silicone mold release.

I use silicone taper molds now and love them. I use the 8" and 12" molds from Mann Lake http://www.mannlakeltd.com/ProductDetail.asp?idproduct=1356&idCategory= .

I spray my molds with a silicone mold release like this http://www.mannlakeltd.com/ProductDetail.asp?idproduct=1356&idCategory=

This wicking needle is a must: http://www.betterbee.com/products.asp?dept=851

I also use 2/0 square braid for my taper wicksand get great dripless tapers.

If you have someone in your area that has bees, you may be able to get wax from them. Candlewic has decent prices on their white and yellow beeswax also. Good luck and have fun!

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Beeswax is about the best for tapers! I tired dipping tapers when I first started years ago and hated it.......took too long, too messy, inconsistent looking tapers. I switched to a metal taper mold and actually didn't like that either......harder to wick and it seemed every other taper would stick even after spraying with a silicone mold release.

I use silicone taper molds now and love them. I use the 8" and 12" molds from Mann Lake http://www.mannlakeltd.com/ProductDetail.asp?idproduct=1356&idCategory= .

I spray my molds with a silicone mold release like this http://www.mannlakeltd.com/ProductDetail.asp?idproduct=1356&idCategory=

This wicking needle is a must: http://www.betterbee.com/products.asp?dept=851

I also use 2/0 square braid for my taper wicksand get great dripless tapers.

If you have someone in your area that has bees, you may be able to get wax from them. Candlewic has decent prices on their white and yellow beeswax also. Good luck and have fun!

DITTO on all points. You will never regret making beeswax candles.

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