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shrink wrap question


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I know everyone is sick of shrink wrap questions but I am getting frustrated. I just recently changed from cello bags to shrink tubbing but I can't get them smooth. I am using 3" tubbing, using my sealer at the top and bottom. When I go to shrink them down the corners end up looking nasty. Could anyone give me any hints or maybe I am doing something wrong? Thank-you to all in advance!

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Ok, are you shrinking from the bottom up? This usually works better.

First seal one end, let it cool~ then turn it inside out and put the item inside.

Voila! No bad visible edges.

Make sure you poke pin holes too- it eliminates alot of the bubbles.

Then take the back of a spoon while you are still heating the wrap and smooth over the rough edges. Hold the heatgun not too close.

What are you trying to shrink wrap?

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I am sorry guess what I am wrapping would help, lol. I am wrapping votive's and tarts, the tarts are coming out awesome. It is the votive's I am having a problem with. I am poking pin holes in the tubing and will try the spoon trick. I can get them to look good until the corners start to shrink in then they look like crap. So I basically have 2 sides that are smooth and professional looking then where the corners sucked in they are all bumpy.

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What works best on very small items (like votives) is to use a round element, not a flat one. A flat one will leave a wide seam that just will not flatten out and look all that pretty. If you use a round element (also called a trim and seal) it seals thru very flush, leaving no flat edge and shrinks up perfectly flat and smooth.

Also, as soon as you've heated and shrunk, quickly take your fingers and press down on the corners against the votive. (although this is much less necessary with the round elements.

A round (trim and seal) element can be put on any standard sealer. Most seem to come with flat one, but you can simply buy a repair/replacement kit and change it out. They both (flat and round) fit the sealers. Associated Bag carries the round kits. HTH.

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I use a flat seal element and have no problems what so ever.

The only thing I can tell you is that I do shrink from the bottom up. I shrink the bottom then press it against my table to get it flat...then go up the side and I just use my fingers and press the corners in...they tend to shink right up so it doesnt really look that bad.

Sounds like you may just be a little too critical of your own work as we all tend to be.

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Thank-you all for the help. :yay: I guess it could be that I am just being picky. :embarasse If it keeps bothering me maybe I will have to give the curved element a try if I can find one, lol. I had a hard enough time trying to find a new straight one locally.

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