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Ok. After working on all day, I think I'm almost there.

The only solution I had for people to purchase was to create a "how to buy" page. I tried papal buy now but it wouldnt work adding multiple items. I'm using Yahoo site builder and buy now was the only option I had. So here it goes.

BTW I am still working on a default font...

Work in progress.

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Your default font is arial, which is fine.

My question is why didn't you use any of the templates provided? They actually have some nice ones. I know you used one - but why all the major modifications?

I think that might be one of the issues you are running into - the templates are set up and coded. When you start adding elements that are not taken into consideration for the code is when you start running into issues with fonts, sizing, margins, justification, etc. Especially if you don't know or don't have the ability to change the actual code. Just a thought.

Also, as a suggestion - as to my suggestions, take a look at the templates Yahoo Site Builder gave you for ecommerce and you will see what I was talking about with regards to header sizes, font sizes, and the graphical layout of the page - they are all built to standard protocols that have been proven to work well in the ecommerce setting. Since you have chosen to forgo usng the template - determining the "look" you are going for with them as an example might help you out.

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I dont have a ecommerce set up yet. When I looked through the templates there were none that appealed to me. Are u saying I can change the backdrop, and page headings?

Its much more simpler to make stuff then the business side of it!

I'll be glad when I can hire someone to do this! Lol..

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On your bath and body page the links "gift baskets, how to order, and contact" aren't working. And on the contact us page the links "gift basket and how to order aren't working.

So you can't add the paypal shopping cart to your site? When you say you tried a buy now and it didn't work for adding multiple lines, were you creating the product button in the paypal cart program?

If you are working in the paypal cart program you can list the product in a few different ways. If you need help with that let me know I may be able to help you.

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