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Does Coconut oil truly help the scent throw?

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I've been experiementing with 464 wax and I get a great looking candle and I let it cure for a week, but my scent throw is not all that great. It seems to be another added cost to the candle. I would like to know what chandlers think?


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I use it.. you'll even find me reference it if you search for old threads on adding coconut oil.

I DO think it helps with throw on some scents. I use GB464. I dont think it helps with ALL. And.. I do notice less sink holes with it, but not smoother tops.

I have tested the burn on w/coconut and w/o coconut. The ones w/o coconut, the tops are rougher after a burn.

They burn at the same pace, maybe slightly slower with co.. and I do personally think they have a better throw. But again, this is my testing.. with my container.. my wick.. and my fragrances.

Nobodies test is going to be the same. PS I use 2 tsp pp.

I think the candles are also fine without it, its just something I've always done and will continue to do for a consistant brand.

Edited by LuminousBoutique
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A-ha! I just tried 1 tsp. pp...maybe I should try a little more. I don't worry about the smooth tops--that works itself out or I just pop it with a heat gun. I thought it was so strange that I had more sinkholes when I used it. :confused: Again, it could be the weather...going from a/c to open windows (even though I kept the window closed where I was working)? I'm not giving up on it just yet--in fact, it was a couple of your posts (Luminous) that convinced me to try it!

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