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How did you start your B&B business...

Guest PassionSunKiss

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Guest PassionSunKiss

I'm fairly new to the B&B world. I've only been doing this a couple of months, and just beeing doing it part-time of course, but have been very curious as to how those out started out their B&B business? Did you start from scratch selling 1 item? Where did you start selling your products? I just can't fathom how people do it, it seems so overwhelming.

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I started making soap and B&B 2 years ago, I started selling in December. I was not selling until I was totally happy with all my product , labels etc. I started selling last December, I started slowly got my product into a few local stores, started doing farmers market etc.

It is a ton of hard work and expensive. I am retired and this is my only job, I work 3/4 time at it.

Good luck with your business.

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I started as a hobby making goat milk soap since I raise dairy goats. It kind of developed into a business although that was not my original intent. I cannot keep up with it at this time but I will be retiring in a couple of years and at least I have something to do after retirement that I enjoy.

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I started making soap in 1990 with my grandma.. she used lard soap for everything, so I made that with her since I was a small kid. She also made beeswax lotion, and taught me that. We started selling the lard soap on our christmas tree farm and it started catching on.. people would do christmas shopping with us at the same time as picking up their tree.

about 8 years ago had her sit me down and write out her recipes, and I started actively testing new recipes, because I didnt want to use lard. Thats when I launched my business, but I've only been online selling for about a year. Online isnt going as well as i had hoped.

Wholesale and shows and all that came with time...and word of mouth. This has been my worst year over... I'm about to completely re-vamp and I hope it makes a difference. if it doesnt, I am going to consider going exclusively wholesale and shows.

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