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Had to tweek my recipe even more... and now a question


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I loved the last recipe I tried, but I can't leave well enough alone and tweeked it some more. I decided to add some honey to this one. I made it last night and went to demold it this morning and it was still really soft. Does the honey make it that it takes longer to harden or did I mess something up?

The stuff in my crockpot is still a little soft as well.

Let me know if you would like/need my recipe. Since I'm new to hp, I don't know what you all need to answer a question :)

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Thanks. I checked the soap this morning and it is about has hard as the ones I made without honey when I demold and cut those. Glad to know I didn't mess this one up. I love the color the honey turned the soap!!!

Was the amount that I used a good amount or should I be using less?

I tried a small piece of it yesterday (even though it was really soft) and it felt very lovely to my skin.

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It does make the soap a little softer when unmolded but it will harden. I wouldn't go anymore than 2 tbs. Have tried and it just didn't work. But I also love soap with honey in it (but then, being a beekepeeper I might be a little biased). The only thing I found was that the honey left little brown spots in the soap at first but they eventually disappeared. Good luck!

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