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How does using too much FO affect a candle?

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Using more than your wax can hold will cause it to seep out. Also, you can get alot of smoke and soot. I use zinc wicks and I find that if I use more than 1oz of fo per pound of wax, my candles smoke and I get soot on the jars. Guess I should add that I use 6006.

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Agreed with the above statement. If its a container candle it will look "wet" between the candle and the glass, not very appealing to someone.

All the manufacturers have a recommended load that they give for the wax. As a general rule though 1oz. per pound of wax seems to be the norm. Search "fragrance load" on this board and you can find lots of good advice for many different waxes that people use. This will give you some idea of where to go with your testing, but start with the manufacturers recommondations for the wax you are using.

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