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Wax and Wick questions

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What do you guys think of these different waxes.

1. CB-Adv.

2. CB-Xcel

3. EZ-Soy

4. Nature Wax C-3

I've been using Lonestar as a supplier. I've tried waxes 1 and 2. I want to try waxes 3 and 4 too but don't want to waste money on something that may not be the right fit for me. Lonestar has waxes 1, 2, and 4. Bittercreek has wax number 3.

Also what wicks do you feel work best with each of these types of wax. I am using a 10oz apothecary jar. I've tried CD, HTP, and ECO so far. Havent actually lit a candle yet because I'm waiting to let them cure for a week.

If I've left any info out please let me know.

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