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...not shipping this week due to the nationwide heat wave? I wrote all my customers, but before I could reach them all, some wrote me and asked me to wait a week before I shipped because of how hot it was where they were. I'm beginning to wonder if next week will be any better!:shocked2:

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Yeah I'm not shipping because I'm on vacation but I wouldnt be if I was home! I'm doing a big show the weekend of the 18th and I just hope it cools off by then... crossing my fingers! luckily the show is at the beach.. so I suppose if its really hot alot of people will come down and wander into the show.. thats what I'm hoping at least!

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Not shipping anything this week, it's to HOT.. I did the same and emailed all my customers.. Although I did have one lady ask if there was some way I could freeze my tarts then send them to her, I told her that I could do that but it wouldn't mean that they wouldn't be melted down to mush before she got them, lol..

We laughed about it and she agreed to wait for them.. I don't blame her for asking but that was a first for me.

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Every year at this time I post on my homepage my summer shipping schedule. I only ship at the beginning of a week and only UPS or USPS Priority. If the beginning of the week is too hot and they are a 4-5 day shipping zone, then they wait until the next week. I also followup with an email as well. I have not yet had a customer say "send it anyway!"

I have also found that packing peanuts helps with keeping the coolness in. I shipped a bag of melts to someone which took a couple of days and when received they said they were very well intact. So just an FYI.

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