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car fresheners


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Ok, bought blanks from both Oak Court and from Starla. Followed directions; they smell great. But... how long should they last? Maybe it's just me, but it seems that within a couple of days, the scent is gone? Am I doing anything wrong? :confused:

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Wow, a couple of months! what I do is this:

take the blank freshener, use the FO straight out of the bottle and pour it in a smaller container. Using a cheap paintbrush, I apply the FO to one side of the freshener, then turn it over and do the same to the other side. Sometimes I will do a second coat.

Then I let them dry and put them in cello bags. What do you think I'm doing wrong? These are the scents that I tried so far: Lemongrass, Fairy garden, Midnight blossom, Mimi's kitchen, Aspen forest.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks Kyme!

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Ok, but have you tried hanging them in the car? If you did, how long did they last? 'cause you see, that's what I did. I opened one of the cello bags, took the freshener out and hung it in the car, but a few days later I could no longer smell it :sad2:

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Ok, but have you tried hanging them in the car? If you did, how long did they last? 'cause you see, that's what I did. I opened one of the cello bags, took the freshener out and hung it in the car, but a few days later I could no longer smell it :sad2:

I do hang them in my car, I keep a little 3ml mister bottle (which I include with the freshner) and spritz it when it looses it scent. How many scents have you tested? I'm sorry I wish I could be more help!

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Kyme, at least you're willing to help, and every little bit counts and is greatly appreciated. Ok, I'm thick and let me be a stick in the mud, so here I go...

When you hang them in your car, how long do you have to wait until they need some refresher oil?

The fragrances I've tried include Fairy garden from Moonworks; Midnight blossom from Mr Missy's; Liquid crack from Daystar; Hippy Christmas from NG; Lemongrass from Bert's; Mimi's kitchen from Daystar; Coolwater type from Bert's. These are the ones I remember at the moment.

Could it be just a "nose thing"? What about if I send you a couple?

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I will spritz them about 1 time a month (50/50 refresher/FO). When I paint on the FO it is straight FO. I will say it is a personal taste how often to refresh them. Some people would do it sooner some after a couple of months.

I tote alot of Teens around and one always gets in the SUV and says "MMMM". IDK

Why don't you try one with the melon you have, that one is very strong, then see what you think. I would think the CoolWater dupe would be strong.

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IMO some fragrances just work better on the cardboard air fresheners. I made some with WSP vanilla oak and it was so strong it gave me a headache. Others that were good and lasted long were Cinnamon Bun (ICS), baked apple (ICS/ST), fata morgana (SW), blueberrycheesecake (ICS).

They lasted a couple of months!

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I use AH/RE Refresher Oil base; that is what it says on the bottle. So 50% that and 50% FO, in the the little mister bottles ( I also get from there). I have only used the hand made paper blanks from Starla. I like and promote the fact that they are hand made paper. You can order a custom design if you like, but she has all kinds of unique stock ones. Plus they are in colors, if you like.

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Kyme, where do you get the blanks from? I got some from Oak Court creations and from Starla (Starla's sure took a long, long time to arrive!)

It is because she (Susie Bell) makes them to order, and if it is humid or bad weather it can take longer to dry.

I added the refresher because I didn't want to throw them out after a month. It seemed like a waste, I dont know if you have ever made paper, but it is an art. I respect that, you know?

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Didn't know that; that's why it took so long - thanks for letting me know, Kyme. She probably does mention that fact on her website, and I must have overlooked it or forgotten.

Also, thank you for helping other board members. I noticed you never make anyone feel like an "outcast", for lack of a better word... or stupid... or incompetent, LOL. Beginners such as yours truly sure appreciate your help! :)

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I use AH/RE Refresher Oil base; that is what it says on the bottle. So 50% that and 50% FO, in the the little mister bottles ( I also get from there). I have only used the hand made paper blanks from Starla. I like and promote the fact that they are hand made paper. You can order a custom design if you like, but she has all kinds of unique stock ones. Plus they are in colors, if you like.

I have some tiny mister I get from them. Use them for "scent to go" sprays. I always keep one in my purse. They have purple and white, is that what you use or something bigger. I have 1/4 oz dropper bottler I add to my paper sachets. Also have the homemade ones from Susie.

Do any of you have a peppermint scent that last in these? I have tried several and they fade quick...

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I have some tiny mister I get from them. Use them for "scent to go" sprays. I always keep one in my purse. They have purple and white, is that what you use or something bigger. I have 1/4 oz dropper bottler I add to my paper sachets. Also have the homemade ones from Susie.

Do any of you have a peppermint scent that last in these? I have tried several and they fade quick...

Here is a pic of my custom shape and the 3ml mister is behind it. I use the 6ml misters for little body sprays. Just for myself and family.


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