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Another name.. what do you think??


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Ok , I have posted in name help please thread looking for help with a business name but decided to keep

KD Essentials

now I have just thunk this up and not sure if I like it but here goes

K. Leen Essentials only because my name is kathleen and i now think it looks too much like kleenx oh well.

or it could read Kaleen Essentials That a is long In Ka like Kayleen.

hmmmm tell me what you think

keep KD Essentials

change to some form of Kayleen Essentials

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I still like the initials. One of the pros of using initials is that it makes labeling much easier in regards to space. Which in turn opens up more possibilities for very unique and or flamboyant styles of text and design.

And no offense against those who choose to do it, but IMHO using a very personal type name brings the level of professionalism down. To me, at least, it's kind of like any Jo Schmoe can craft something and put their name on it and call it 'Their own business'. Where as the precision and versatility of the initials comes across to the customer in a classier way that they can embrace it with out having to experience a touchy-feely-lovey-too involved feeling. Personal names on businesses always make me think 'Ma & Pa'. And if that's what you are going for, then all the better to use one. But if you want people to not assume anything about your business then I think it's better to be less personal. Does that make any sense? Lol, I'm not sure I'm expressing it exactly. But either way it's just my opinion and as I said, there are many different styles and likes and it all depends on your business plan and what kind of tone you want to set.

:2cents:I think the bigger concern is the space issue on a small label! But even more important than that, is that YOU are proud of your company and all it's aspects. :cheesy2:

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You bring up a very good point Blazerina, what do I want customers and potential customers to think when they hear the name...Defininetly not ma & pa,,, kd essentials will stay ...already started the process...dba then license etc...

Thanks soooo much all of you for you helpful advise!!

I am soo geeked to be able to bring my products to the public.

Family and friends have been loyal customers for the past 5 years so i am sure that the public will be pleased with the quality of what I have to offer.

Ok now here we go. :yay:

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cute wickerstix...Thanks so much for all the help and advise. Everyone here is so very nice and I just want to let you know that it has been super to have peeps like ya'll to bounce things off of.

Just started some web design...lots of work to do to get that ready!!

gotta love those emotions ...I think i'm feeling all of them right now :cheesy2::):angry2::shocked2::(:sad2::confused::tiptoe::rolleyes2:p:yay::laugh2: All except that mad on lol

Have a great week gals....I'll check back in sometime after the holiday when things should be getting completed with the busi.

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