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Gb 444?

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Today I made a couple 8 oz mason jars with GB 444. Heated to 170-175 added dye and FO poured at 145. Noticed puck like marks around the wick on both candles so I did a second pour hoping that would take care of it and it didn't so I warmed up some more leftover wax and poured again(small amount) and I still have the puck marks. What is this and why does this seem to happen to me every time I make container candles? I have changed the heat temp and pour temp but I still get this result. I'm wondering if maybe I need to try another wax for container candles....recommendations???




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Opps, my first response was based on me confusing GW 444 and GW 415. Candlechic, I'm sorry I don't have a direct answer for you. Soy is just kind of tempermental this way.

You can try pouring at a hot temperature like 165. I had good luck with that temperature using GW 464. You can also try some Coconut Oil as that helped me smooth out some tops. You can also try cooling your candles more slowly, buy putting a box over them or setting them into a warm oven (but turn the oven off ;) ). It might be your FO, it might be the humidity in your climate, it could be a lot of factors :/

Best of luck to you.

Edited by jonsie
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