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Mitre type box


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I used to have a metal box that worked perfectly for cutting bars of soaps. It was similar to a mitre box but closed on one end. I am trying for the life of me to remember who I bought it from, but my memory is failing me.

Does anyone know who I can buy this from or something similar?



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I bought mine from soap wizards but I've had a hard time time getting a straight cut with it but I'm also one of those people who can't draw a straight line. I'll sell you the one I have for $8 plus shipping. PM me if interested.


I read this with interest because it looks so very simple--put the soap cutter in the slot and press down--how can you mess it up??!! I'd sure like to know because I have the same box and can't ever get a straight bar of soap with it!! I really can't see any way it could go crooked, but somehow it always does!:cheesy2:

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I read this with interest because it looks so very simple--put the soap cutter in the slot and press down--how can you mess it up??!! I'd sure like to know because I have the same box and can't ever get a straight bar of soap with it!! I really can't see any way it could go crooked, but somehow it always does!:cheesy2:

I don't know if my hand slips and moves the log around when I try to hold it straight but I had a hard time. I finally bought a specially made cutter from the same person who makes my log molds. It fits the logs exactly but I still have to mark it with a ruler if I want all my bars the same size. He also makes one that has multiple slots so you just put the log in and cut, cut, cut your done but I haven't been willing to cough up the money for it yet.

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I have the one from soap wizards too. As long as I make sure to line up my soap on the leading edge properly, I'll get straight soap. But yes, you can end up with crooked soap from it!! The cutting slots are three or so mm's wide so you can slightly angle the cut if not careful and then if you don't line it up properly that will just reinforce the crookedness and it gets worse from there on out. So I spend a bit of time always making sure I'm lined up. It gives me reasonably straight cuts so I'm happy enough.

The dollars to import a tank to Australia are too prohibitive for my level of soaping at the moment.


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Thanks for all the replies. My husband has made me a very basic cutter for now. He also ordered me a wire cheese cutter to try out. If those both fail, I might take you up on the offer if it is still available.

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