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Bramble Berry 'Sunset' duplicate?


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Bramble Berry discontinued one of my absolute favorite FOs, 'Sunset', so I'm trying to find out if there is a close substitute, or if it exists under another name from another company. Anybody know? I suppose if I get desperate enough I can get one of those companies that copy it to do so.

The description is gone from their site so I can't give that to you. I always thought it had a hint of pomegranate-ness to it, plus some other fruitiness. I'll have to sniff it again when I get home to try to give you a better description.

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is it discontinued...or special order..

i know some suppliers, for what ever reason,

sell certain fo's only by speacial purchase..but you have to order like 25lb..

you might call or email, and see if they would do that...see what the miniinum amount you would have to purchace for them to special order it for you...

and if there is enough people that wants that scent..you might could do a co-op..

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