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FO Containers


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I posted this in the general candle making section and thought I would post it here also:

I hate to waste FO so I got some plastic bottles at the beauty supply that have spouts on them. I am hoping this helps stop the FO from dribbling down the bottle and on my hands. They come in 4oz, 8oz & 16oz. Testing out the 4oz ones. I did some research on the bottles and they are HDPE type 2 plastic the same type plastic bottles the FO suppliers use. I also just spoke with CS and they are in the process of changing over to amber plastic bottles for their FO's. I sugguested CS check into using the spouted tops on their FO bottles.



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I think BCN used to have spouts like that, and they are great! I frequently spill when the bottles are full, and it is expensive and messy! Has anyone seen Lonestar's new bottles? They are plastic that look just like CS's amber glass. If you put a spout on those, it would be the best of both worlds!

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I posted a similiar question here:


One thing TopofMurrayHill mentioned was to use HDPE bottles (if you are going to use plastic). I assume that means LDPE probably wouldn't hold up to the solvents in the FOs.

I live in Australia and I've had a hard time finding these nifty caps at the stores here, or have them delivered here. I'll be able to have them shipped, but looks like it might be a round-about way.

Good luck.

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Oops, I just saw your other thread and your research on HDPE bottles. At the very least I hope the links help you find some caps to assist you.

Best of luck,


Thanks Susan now I just have to figure out what size caps to get for the glass bottles I have. I got some FO's from generalwax that came in plastic but they are not HDPE grade so I am going to put them in the right ones.


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