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Some new pics for website


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Hi, I'm going to switch from single tarts to clamshells, and also decided to offer on my website a "melt starter kit", with one melter, two or three tealights and a clam of six melts.

These are some pics I took with my lightbox, and retouched with GIMP.

Any opinion welcome!

Thanks for looking





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Thanks Ladies!

I actually need a couple of images, so the one you like best will be the first choice, and then another one.

Jen, I bought the light box on ebay, it's one of those things that you can squeeze and will fit in a small bag. It comes with two backgrounds, one black and one white. I then use two small table lamps on boths sides. I also use a tripod.

Anyway I always need to finish the pics with GIMP, to correct the cast (usually a bit of grey) of the background.

Thanks for the compliments!


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Cool! Craig has been taking all the updated pics for my website...and he has just used one of the cabinets in the store..it goes back pretty deep and we get lots of natural light in here, sometimes a blessing..sometimes not...lol But he has been able to take some awesome pics this way and it hasn't cost me anything. He just has to remove a few items from it when he needs to take pics for me. I may invest in a lightbox some day..along with a really good shrink wrapping system!

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I didn't pay a lot for it, it was somethink like $80, but it's big, so you can put a lot of things in it if you want a richer scenary than mine! And if you can squeeze it (I can't by myeslf LOL) it takes very little space to be stored.

Happy photography!

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it all depends on the look you're going for lol

I know sometimes a good pic with a context would be better, to let customers see how they can decorate their houses. I just made 3 pillars to decorate my new bathroom because it's so beautiful and stylish lol, and wanted to take a pic of those maybe with some towel in the backround, but I'm not so good as photographer.

I just learned to make pics for my lightbox with white background.

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Since you asked for opinions, I'm going to give my honest one and ask you a question: Are you selling the products or the flower petals? To me, you're focusing more on your props than on your products. Perhaps less petals would still add some color without distracting from your products. Case in point: photo #1 - there are so many petals that you can barely see your clamshells.

I agree that the group shot in #4 is better, but still too many petals IMO.

I hope this is taken as the constructive criticism that it was meant to be since I'm the only one who didn't care for the photos much. :)

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Since you asked for opinions, I'm going to give my honest one and ask you a question: Are you selling the products or the flower petals? To me, you're focusing more on your props than on your products. Perhaps less petals would still add some color without distracting from your products. Case in point: photo #1 - there are so many petals that you can barely see your clamshells.

I agree that the group shot in #4 is better, but still too many petals IMO.

I hope this is taken as the constructive criticism that it was meant to be since I'm the only one who didn't care for the photos much. :)

Well many thanks for your thoughts. Your opinion made me see things froma different angle, you know when you are stuck into something it's not easy take a step back and reconsider things.

Looking at those pics I can see petals are really predominant. I always took pics like that, just to add a touch of color, but hey maybe this time was too much. Or their color is too strong.

This is the problem of being just one person to do everything, I'm not a photographer and I'm really alone in this, so I often fail.

I will try to take better pics of the products.

I know what I'm selling so basically I only see my products LOL


Edited by cybersix
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