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How to sell votives


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Hi all, I'm thinking about those little votives I hate so much lol!

Now on my site I offer single votives.

But I'm tired. Last customer asked for 19 votives in 19 different scents.

It's a great way (to me) to sample different scents without buying pillars, but to me it's a pain...

lot of bottles and dyes around, lots of small pots and so on..

And packaging every one takes time.

For the life of me I can't shrink wrap them, I tried different shrink wraps and everytime while the plastic is shrinking leaves marks and dents on the votive..

Anyway to make it short I was thinking to sell 2 or 4 votives at a time, and use boxes.

So now my doubts are:

is it a good idea?

what size of boxes I'd need for standard 2 oz votives?

For those of you doing so, how do you put votives in box so they don't dent each other by contact?


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I think its a good idea to at least sell them at least 2 at a time! 19 different votives with 19 different scents- I cant believe you had the patience to do that! lol. I would use the votive boxes if I were you... I dont do votives because I dont have the patience but I know when I buy them I appriciate getting them in a box more than in shrink wrap. Thats just my personal tastes though! you could take those dimentions on the link and plug them into papermart.com or some other paper box manufacturer and see if you can get paper/recycled boxes for cheaper than the plastic ones too.


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Thanks for the link, I was thinking about something like that, no more than two together.. Yep I can't believe I had that patience too lol, but this is the first customer in a year and a half, so.. nothing to complain!!

But since I sell online my concerne is, how can I prevent the votives to damage each other or against the box?


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I used to sell them individually but I would have people order 3 dz or more in different scents. I quit that and now do 4 of the same scent. I got the clams from AH that hold 2. They say you can make them in them but I don't. I make them and then put them in the clams. Would love to find some with 4. The same thing happened with tarts and so now I do 6 in same scent and use the bags with the tie string from WSP. They hold 6 perfectly. Think you could get 2 votives in 1 also.

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I sell mine in boxes of 6 and then use the same boxes to sell tea lights in sets of 12. I have had a lot of people want to mix and match boxes but now, since I always have extra tea lights and votives when I pour, I sell assorted boxes of each. Seems to work just fine. Got my boxes from papermart. Also, they fit my labels very nicely.

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I have this kind of box that I use for my votives: http://allwhitecandles.easystorecreator.com/items/candle-packaging-and-candle-shrink-wrap/100-votive-box-candle-trays-holds-12-votives-votbox-detail.htm

There's another site (at least one) that sells the exact same type of packaging but instead of holding 12 candles it holds 2, I just can't remember for the life of me who it is. (NG is sticking out in my head for some reason but that could be totally wrong.) Hopefully someone will chime in and help me out here.

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The way that I would suggest doing it, is having about 8 of each scent (or more if you like) and keep track of them. That way if someone wants what you had to go through (and I DEEPLY sympathize!), then you will have them 'in stock'.

That way not only do you have an idea of what ones you have left, but if you make another batch of the same scent/color, then you'll have plenty available for any other surprises! :D

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I have this kind of box that I use for my votives: http://allwhitecandles.easystorecreator.com/items/candle-packaging-and-candle-shrink-wrap/100-votive-box-candle-trays-holds-12-votives-votbox-detail.htm

There's another site (at least one) that sells the exact same type of packaging but instead of holding 12 candles it holds 2, I just can't remember for the life of me who it is. (NG is sticking out in my head for some reason but that could be totally wrong.) Hopefully someone will chime in and help me out here.

WOW this is a good idea, can't you remember at all?

12 are too many, but 2 would be the ideal number!

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I used to sell them individually but I would have people order 3 dz or more in different scents. I quit that and now do 4 of the same scent. I got the clams from AH that hold 2. They say you can make them in them but I don't. I make them and then put them in the clams. Would love to find some with 4. The same thing happened with tarts and so now I do 6 in same scent and use the bags with the tie string from WSP. They hold 6 perfectly. Think you could get 2 votives in 1 also.

Thanks, the clams seem a nice thing, I was leaning toward boxes because here in italy I can't find anything so specific, I will see prices and shipping.


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The way that I would suggest doing it, is having about 8 of each scent (or more if you like) and keep track of them. That way if someone wants what you had to go through (and I DEEPLY sympathize!), then you will have them 'in stock'.

That way not only do you have an idea of what ones you have left, but if you make another batch of the same scent/color, then you'll have plenty available for any other surprises! :D

You're right, but the problem doing so is taht I should package them individually for storage, so I would solve just one problem on two I have!

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But if they are of the same scent, then you don't have to worry about that. Cross-contamination of scents would be a bit of a problem if you had several of different scents, however you could keep them in a box/package of some sort at least.

I keep mine in separate boxes that I have labeled with the scents that are in them. Green Tea w/ Honey (duel scent), Hot Chocolate, etc... I find that it at least works for me.

I should also admit that I have enough space in my pantry where I keep them as well, albeit it takes away from my food storage. LOL

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It will Sabrina, the reason I went to 4 was because I could make 4 from 1/2 lb of wax with a little left over and I got very tired of oneses(probably not spelled right but you know what I mean) :cheesy2:

Yep I know what you mean.

I still want to offer something "small" so customers can try scents without having to buy too many things. I also bought 6 cavity clamshells to quit making single tarts, but doing so I know it can be worst, tarts are also a good way to experiment scents without loads of wax lol

I hope both things will succeed.

I have to make choices for my business.


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