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Wick/FO question

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I've read where the wax type/FO type changes the way it burns. Not sure how to ask this, but for example, if you have a heavy FO, would you need to wick up as opposed to a wick that burns perfectly in an unscented candle? Sorry for being stupid, but I'm so new I'm green! Thanks so much!

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I usually use 30 plys in my 3" pillars. If I'm making a heavy FO such as patchouli, then I go to the 36 ply. And I will 'most always wick up if the candle is really dark. That's what works for me w/the straight paraffin waxes.

If I'm making a candle that I'm not sure how it will burn, I always use the wick pins and wick after candle cooled leaving the wick a little longer in the bottom so that I can get ahold of it to pull it out in case I need to change it due to undesirable burn.

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That's not a stupid question at all. You would more than likely have to wick up from an unscented candle to a scented candle as the fragrance oil makes the wick work harder. Heavier scents or vanilla based scents tend to need a larger wick as well. All you need to do is practice with the wicks...if one doesn't work, go up to the next size and so on. It's not hard, but it can be frustrating at times. Hope you've got a few sample packs to try out all the wicks you'll be needing.

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I have sample packs from 3 different places. And, I must say that I was amazed at how MANY came in the pack from Lone Star!! Holy cow! I'm testing votives right now with the palm wax, already have one that's absolutely out of the running!

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