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Pillar flame ?


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When you burn a candle, any type made of any kind of wax, flame size matters. Too small and you'll get a small melt pool and very little scent throw. Too large and you'll get smoke, a blowout in a pillar or a container thats too hot. You're more likely to get mushrooming as well. I think about an inch is a good size flame. If all the other conditions of a candle are right, melt pool size and depth etc., the flame is usually about right.

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It also depends on how long it's been burning. Usually you test these by burning for 3 or 4 hours and the flame will get taller than 1 inch during that time unless you're underwicked. Starting with a wick trimmed to 1/4 inch, you want to get through the test burn without the flame getting so big that it easily flickers and throws soot. You also need to judge by the size of the melt pool you get during that time. Over several test burns you want to see that the outer shell is curling in and getting consumed.

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