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hole formed in candle when cooling

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Hi everyone.

I made my latest candle like usual (still using soy/paraffin blend) but this time something unexpected happen: I woke up to take my candle from the mold I found a hole had formed down the middle during the cooling after the second pour. Looks like it goes down about two inches, next to the wick.

What is the reason something like this might happen, so I can try to prevent it in the futre? Could I just pour some wax in it now to fill the hole as a makeshift solution for this particular candle?

Also, for some reason the candle won't come out of the mold, though I used some cooking spray int here as usual. Should putting it in the fridge for 10 mins when I have a chance do the trick, and if it doesn't what is the next step?

Thanks for your help.

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You need to put relief holes in your pillar and make sure they stay open as it cools...use a wooden skewer or something similar. If you don't have relief holes you may end up with an air bubble in the middle of your candle. You will have a cave in and the candle will go out when it hits the bubble.

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