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mixing cb 135 with paraffin

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Has anyone mixed cb 135 with some paraffin? Have you noticed any significant advantages or disadvantages when mixed? Im looking to improve the hot throw mainly. I was thinking of trying a mixture of 75% cb 135 to 25% comfort blend (4627).

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Yep, I did this on Sunday. Made a 70% CB135 + 30% IGI4630 candle, also a 50/50 blend. I'm letting them cure before I burn them, but so far the cold throw is only OK. I used 8% MC Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper, no dye. No frosting in either candle, but there are some big wet spots, also a large crack in the top of the 70/30. I poured at 165, so this might be avoided by pouring cooler.

Now I should mention that I haven't poured CB135 straight, so I can't compare anything to that.

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Pixie, I'll be sure to do that. I mixed a bunch of different parasoys - CB135, CBA, GB464, GB415, and C-3. So far the 415 and 464 are running neck and neck for best cold throw, with the 464 taking a slight lead. The 70/30 mixtures have a stronger cold throw than the 50/50 mix. Maybe the hot throw will be opposite, we'll see!

Unlike all the other candles, the 70/30 415 candle had NO wet spots when poured at 165*. So it's the clear winner as far as appearance is concerned. None of the candles have frosted.

Edited by Gypsyjen
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I don't have the 135 but I have the advanced. I wonder how well it would do if you mixed 75% paraffin and 25% soy? I know the idea is to have a soy candle but it seems like the ecosoya has a hard time with hot throw (esp the advanced). This way the wax wouldn't be wasted and it would technically be a parasoy (just not a 50/50 blend). Who knows, some of the parasoy blends on the market may be 25% soy 75% paraffin.

I think I may try it with the advanced I have.

Also have you tried adding vybar? I was going to try that with my advanced.

Wish I could help more but at this timeI only have the advanced not the 135.

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You could certainly use that wax with paraffin. Besides eliminating the frosting I would expect it to boost the kinda "medium" scent throw of the CB-135. What caught my eye though was Jen's results with the ratios.

When mixing commercial paraffin blends with 70% soy I've generally found that the wax pulls away from the glass. Reversing those percentages or at least doing 50/50 seems to work better. In this case though she got a good result using 70% 415 with 4630, which is kinda cool.

Nice work. If Yoda were on the board I feel he would say, "Do or do not - there is no ask!"

Edited by topofmurrayhill
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I mix 50/50 with 4630 & 464 and it seems to be a good ratio for getting the best qualities of both waxes. I tried the 4627 but did not like the results as much as with the 4630. I have gone as high as 70/30 parasoy with good results. oh, I do occasionally get a little frosting at 50/50 with certain colors but I seem to get good ct & ht at this ratio. HTH :smiley2:

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Burn update: Unfortunately, it seems the paraffin did nothing to improve the scent throw of the CB135 at either 30% or 50% concentration. I can barely smell them burning. Surprisingly, one of the blends that had the most "meh" cold throw - 70% C-3 and 30% 4630 - had an excellent hot throw even with the wick almost drowning out. This will definitely take a bigger wick than the 464, 415, or 135 parasoys. I can't wait to see how it throws with an appropriately sized wick!

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