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Finally a smooth rebatch!!!


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I have read tons of posts on here and everywhere else about rebatched "rustic" looking soap. I love all kinds of soapmaking, cp, mp, hp, and rebatch.

Well, it seems like everyone is searching for a smooth outcome for their rebatch. I have been trying to figure it out for years for some of the foodier scents that I do. I'm happy to report that finally I have found out the way to smoother rebatched soap.

I had some unscented soap that I made laying around and I wanted to use it up. It has been sitting for a few months so this soap wasn't fresh by rebatch standards. I wanted to try out a scent blend that my daughter made up and surprise her with the soap. So warning- I just cut the soap with a knife for home use so the bars aren't perfectly shaped.

Anyway, I thought I would share it in case you ever needed or wanted to rebatch.

Here it is:

I started with 3 pounds of soap that I grated and then put into my food processor which turned it to little balls. The smaller you can get your soap chunks the better this works.

Since the lye was cured out, I stuck the soap in a stainless bowl and covered it with aluminum foil.

If your soap is fresh with active lye- you want to use a stainless pot with a lid.

I added 1 cup of regular 2% milk and stirred it up. I let that sit for about 15 minutes. If your soap is fresher, use less liquid. You don't want soap soup, you just want your soap to be a little wet.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees. I know it sounds a little high for soap but I haven't burned a batch yet.

Put the soap in for about 15 minutes covered. Check it out when this time has passed. Parts should look like vaseline, it may be a little melted at this point. Give it a stir.

If it looks dry add a little more liquid.

Then pop back into the oven. Check every 15 minutes until it looks like a vaseline type gel with some chunks in it probably. Stir it gently every time you take it out of the oven.

When it looks like it's uniformly melted- added some extra oils of your choice. I used Jojoba and a little castor. I didn't measure these out I just eyeball it but it isn't more than a Tablespoon each.

You should at this point be able to stir it with the end of your stick blender. Then use the stick blender to break up any chunks.

The pop it back into the oven, covered, for about a half an hour. (If it's less than 3 pounds- I would go with 15 minutes.

Once you take it out of the oven, it should be pourable. It starts to set fast so work fast with your fragrance using either a spoon or a stick blender(lightly) to blend.

Pour it into molds, smooth out the top, and let it set for 24-48 hours. This may take a little longer to set depending on your amount of liquid.

After you take it out of the mold, cut it and let it sit until it hardens up.

I usually let it sit for 3 weeks and the bars last forever.

I added some pictures with the top before and after I trimmed and the inside.

It looks chunkier because I added oatmeal to this one.

Hope this helps someone! :)




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