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what do i do????


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I'm not exactly sure how your state is setup, but I live in Ohio and I go to the Ohio Secretary of State website.

If you type in "{INSERT YOUR STATE} business fillings" it should give you the government site that polices that kind of thing for your state.

Hope that helps.

Edited by Slowburn
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I live in Ohio too but whenI first started I went to domain names and typed in the name I chose.If it is taken it will let you know.If not you can buy it usually for a small fee.

I am looking for a soap name now and of about 10 I chose the one I started with was the only one that is NOT taken.I am going to buy it even if I don't use it .


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It depends how large you want to go.

If you are only selling locally, I'd start by going or looking on line at the County Recorder Records. They should have a listing of business names and the name of the real person who owns the business... aka Certificate of Assumed Name. If you've picked a name already in use in your county you won't be able to use it anywhere you sell in that county. It is a very reasonable fee for you to protect your name.

But, if you're talking about internet sales (now or in the future) I'd check the domain name first before I went to the county to see if the domain is available. All you have to do is type the name you want into your search engine and see what comes up. GoDaddy.com is one of the places that you can check and purchase at the same time.

It's a little tricky trying to do both at the same time but it can be done. Ask your county recorder what the requirements are for your state. And don't forget those dreaded sales taxes ... You'll have to register with your state Department of Revenue, too.

Hope that helps!

Edited by Judy, USMC
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