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  1. Congratulations, that is so cool! Lots of good things happen with licensing deals. The exposure licensing gives you is off the charts. And it's definitely the fast track to big moolah. You probably already know this, but make sure your licensing agreement has a minimum monthly order volume included. That way you have guaranteed minimum monthly income. And you say you have 20 people who want to license your B&B products? Wow! Do you have dollar bills in your eyes yet!? If not, you should
  2. I'm not exactly sure how your state is setup, but I live in Ohio and I go to the Ohio Secretary of State website. If you type in "{INSERT YOUR STATE} business fillings" it should give you the government site that polices that kind of thing for your state. Hope that helps.
  3. The real question is what scents are your best performers? I know carrying a ton of variety helps make you stand out and be unique. But it doesn't really make much sense to keep inventory of scents that aren't top sellers. That leaves you more time to focus on the sales of your most popular fragrances. To accommodate those looking for scents other than what's currently in your inventory, you could offer a special request page. On the special order page you can offer the fragrances that aren't top sellers (you should charge a little higher premium for special orders and inform them that it takes a little more time to fill them). What this means for you is that you'll cut down on your workload by fulfilling special orders of scents that aren't top sellers only when there's an order. This way you don't have to worry about carrying a ton of inventory of the other scents. Hope this helps. :smiley2: Feel free to PM me if you have more questions.
  4. Believe it or not, I would actually raise my prices. People buy expensive things for a reason. They feel that if they buy the expensive thing over the cheap thing it will be better quality (that's not always the case, but you should use that knowledge to your advantage). If your melts are quality melts, I would price them accordingly. The most important question when it comes to the Walmart brand paraffin melt is, how good are they (if they're like most things Walmart, then not so good)? Honestly, I don't think you have anything to worry about. But if for some reason people start comparing your soy to Walmart's paraffin, here's what you do... If you have a website, I would buy one of the cheap Walmart brand melts, whip out your video camera and expose the terrible quality of the cheap melt. After you show the poor quality of the cheap melt, walk them through the most important steps of how you create your melts on video. Then explain to them why making them by hand and with care makes for a better quality melt. This gives people that come to your website a super easy decision to make of which they should buy. One thing you may or may not have thought about is Walmart has no ability whatsoever to fill custom orders. When you walk into the store, what you see is what you get...period. You should definitely point that out in your video. When it comes to repeat business, there's one thing that I always do that gives my customers a reason to come back. I request and keep the addresses of my customers on file so that I can send them something free along with a card/note every now and again just to say thanks for their business and to keep me fresh in their minds (people love, good, unexpected free stuff). Every time I do that, I'm flooded with sales. The best part is, I can do that as many times as I want. Hope this helps. :smiley2:
  5. This is just my measly 2 cents, but I've never been the type to give discounts on anything I sell (maybe that's just me :smiley2:). Instead I just add more value to what I do by giving away some really nice freebies along with their purchase. That way customers could complain, but usually the really nice freebie(s) keep them from throwing tantrums. Here's an idea for a freebie. Give the couple a pretty, wrapped wedding gift of samples of your other candle varieties with a card. Inside the card you could put your wedding wishes and a certificate from Candeo that entitles her to a free candle party in her home (the bride to be will be totally caught off guard because she's not expecting a wedding gift from a stranger). It's a nice gift for the bride a groom, but it's also another way for you to gain more exposure and get more customers. Because when you host the candle party for her later, you set yourself up for another opportunity to do business with the new bride and potentially gain new customers from the people she invites to the party. Good Freebies=More Exposure and business I hope that maybe this gives you some alternative ideas to wholesale pricing.
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