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Glycerin = Greasy?


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I ordered a few different melt & pour soaps and received them yesterday. Of course I had to play right away. I'm curious though...do they need to sit for a few days? I'm not too crazy about how greasy they feel. Is it because they have glycerin? Also, they are sweating quite a bit. I brought them all inside to see if that helps but I still don't like how they 'feel'.

My favorites that I made today:

7829_298771010363_746395363_9103474_5007014_n.jpgGhoul's Delight Skull Soap - banana smoothie scented of course. :)

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I've noticed my bars feel a bit more slippery when it's warm outside and that will also cause sweating. In general the only time I've noticed a greasy feel is when I messed up and over oiled my batch. Glycerin can be added to MP to increase lather and should not cause a greasy feeling.

I have, especially when it's warm or humid let my bars sit up to 2 days to cure.


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I've noticed that when I first cut my bars or unmold individual bars, they feel a bit slippery. I think it's just the base. I haven't noticed a difference with or without using extra glycerin. I let mine sit for 48 hrs too. By that time they feel fine to me. I shrink wrap them at that point.

Edited by kestagano04
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Warm and/or humid weather will make the glycerin in the soap attract moisture in the air causing the soap to sweat or feel slimy or greasy. The glycerin is doing what is is supposed to do; help your skin retain moisture. Unfortunately, hot humid weather can effect it as well. Best to keep the soapies out of the sun or humid weather.

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I put my little skulls into bags and I'm wondering if saran wrap is the way to go because there's moisture in the bags. I do have bags that heat seal/shrink wrap but I'd have to wrap each individually and that's a bit of a waste. Guess I'll be selling these as a 'first try - oops sale'. I'm sure they'll be fine, they just look a little 'wet' in the bags.

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