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Ok I am at a loss. I used to use 70/30 wax and after it becoming scarce I switched to 6006. I like this wax alot. Burns with no residue left on the jar ext. I have tested many wicks and finally found one that does not soot like crazy. I am using a 4in cube jar from candlescience. I am using FO's that I know throw like crazy...wildberry mouse from cs for one. I am using 2 htp 31's. No soot, clean burn...my problem? No scent throw. Well a little but not what I want. Help!!!! What can I do now. I have used LX's, CD's and I did get a throw with those either. Just black soot. Oh and I am using 1.5 oz of oil with 17 oz of wax and 1 teas of Coconut oil.

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Hi Dixie. I use zinc wicks in 6006 ... maybe give them a try. As for the fragrance oil ... I use 1 oz of fo per pound of wax (6%); sometimes I'll go up to 1.25 oz per pound (8%), but I never go any higher than that. I also cure my candles for about a week.

I heat my wax to about 190-200; add fo at 180; and pour into jars at 170. I buy some of my fo's from CandleScience too and I get great cold & hot scent throws.

Hope this helps.

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I still use the 70/30 Clarus but continue to experiment with 6006. I mixed the 6006 with 15% 464 and used wildberry mousse in a tester. It blew down the doors without any cure time. I was so happy, until another fo fizzled and then another and then another. This wax can be really picky about fo amounts and wicking. Wicking is a cinch but it doesn't guarantee a great hot throw. I never had a problem with the cold throw or with the adhesion but that hot throw was and is elusive with this wax. I have to hang with the 70/30 for the holidays but hope to come up with a formula that works as well. HTH.


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