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Removing Bloom (Frosting)

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I'm starting to wrap some V1/C3 and Accu-soy 24 votive candles that I've had stored for about a year. Some of the candles have developed a moderate bloom, or frosting, on them and I'm wondering if anyone has discovered a method to remove it. Of course, this is just for aesthetic purposes. Any success stories? Thanks!

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Soy candles are best used fresh. You could try the heatgun, but that's hard to control on pillars or molded votives. If they are one color candles, you could put them back in the molds and remelt. Otherwise, there is no way I know of to remove the frosting that has developed over time. Wrapping them as soon as they have cured helps to prevent some of it from forming, but the bottom line is that soy wax is polymorphic and will change over time, especially when the temperature isn't constant where they are stored.

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If its a little surface bloom, you can take a paper towel and put a little goo gone on it and wipe. I do it sometimes with my tarts.

Do you really think it's a good idea to wipe candles with petroleum solvents? I dunno, maybe it does no harm, but I don't think I'd feel good doing this.

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Its not like a slather it with the stuff. I take a miniscule amount on a paper towel. I wipe the tart and then rub it with a clean paper towel. I obviously don't want any solvent left on it when I am done. I also said I have done it occasionally on tarts that develop a small amount of surface bloom.

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