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Sugar Scrub ??'s


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Okay I make an emulsified scrub... but I always add too much sugar that makes the scrub to hard to scoop out..Does anyone recommend amounts that can be used...like amounts of sugar to be used to 1 cup of oils...All help will be greatly appreciated..Thanks :P

Hugs Maggie

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I make mine really thick & scrubby too--but on purpose! :smiley2: Honestly I like mine thicker because the soupy oily ones just end up on the shower floor instead of on me! LOL Sorry I can't help you as far as percentages go but thick scrubs aren't necessarily a bad thing! :smiley2:

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I make mine really thick & scrubby too--but on purpose! :smiley2: Honestly I like mine thicker because the soupy oily ones just end up on the shower floor instead of on me! LOL Sorry I can't help you as far as percentages go but thick scrubs aren't necessarily a bad thing! :smiley2:

ahhh I never thought about it in that way...good idea:yay:


Hugs Maggie

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I add sugar at equal the weight of the oils/butters and it's a really good consistency. One thing I figured out by trial and error was to melt and blend all the oils first, let it all solidfy, remelt and add the preservative, FO and sugar. For some reason it acts better that way.

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I add sugar at equal the weight of the oils/butters and it's a really good consistency. One thing I figured out by trial and error was to melt and blend all the oils first, let it all solidfy, remelt and add the preservative, FO and sugar. For some reason it acts better that way.

THE Queen thanks for your info I will give this a try..:yay:

Hugs Maggie

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